16 Feb

5 Health Benefits of Banana Juice

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just have a healthier diet, banana juice has many health benefits that will get you to your goal. Bananas are often called a perfect food, and there are many reasons for that. Bananas are packed with vitamins and low in fat. While the health benefits of bananas could fill a list 20 pages long, here are five major health benefits to choosing banana juice the next time you’re thirsty.

Heart Health

Bananas are both high in potassium and low in salt, which makes them a power food for people concerned about heart disease or their blood pressure. Potassium is an important part of a healthy heart, and low levels have been linked to heart disease. Since most Americans aren’t getting their recommended daily amount of potassium, it puts them at risk for heart problems. One medium banana provides about 10% of the potassium you need in a day, so drinking banana juice a few times a day can help you hit your daily goal of 4 grams of potassium a day. In fact, the USDA feels so strongly about the connection between bananas and a healthy heart that they endorse bananas as a heart healthy food.


Mood Elevation

There are a million causes of stress in your life, and it can leave you feeling sad or overwhelmed at times. Next time you feel this way, reach for a glass of banana juice. Bananas are a natural source of tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin. Serotonin calms you and even has a slight tranquilizing effect. Bananas also contain large amounts of vitamin B6, which regulates your mood and is an important vitamin to help your body convert tryptophan to serotonin. Since your body doesn’t make tryptophan on its own, it’s important to get it through your diet, and drinking a glass of banana juice is one of the most simple and delicious ways to do that.

Diet Assistance

The high fiber of bananas make banana juice a great choice for you if you’re trying to get more fiber in your diet, especially if you’re trying to reach a weight loss goal. One medium banana gives you 16% of the daily fiber you need. That’s around the same amount of fiber as is in a fiber supplement, without the chalky aftertaste. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, and helps you lose weight, since it keeps you feeling full longer. Banana juice can be an important part of your diet, whether you’re trying to get healthy or achieve a weight loss goal.

Health benefits of banana juice

Stomach Cure-All

Another benefit of fiber is helping regulate your digestive system. Whether you’re suffering from constipation, diarrhea or just indigestion, banana juice can help get you feeling back to normal. Mothers have long known the benefits of bananas for sufferers of the stomach flu, as a part of the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) diet. Bananas also help to regulate stomach acid, and can help with morning sickness, indigestion and even ulcers.

A Natural Energy Drink

Banana juice is a great source of natural sugars, which provide a quick pick me up, and the fiber content means a sustained energy boost. The protein in bananas helps your heart and muscles work during exertion, and there’s no fat in a banana. That makes banana juice a perfect drink before you work out or in any situation where you need energy that comes on quick, stays for a while, and leaves you feeling great.

With all the chemicals, additives and supplements out there designed to replace a healthy diet, it’s easy to ignore the most simple solutions. A glass of banana juice is a quick, easy, healthy answer to a lot of health problems. Even if you’re just looking for a delicious drink, banana juice together with it’s health benefits is one choice you can make that doesn’t have a downside.

23 Nov

Health Benefits of Peach Juice – Discover 5 Reasons Why Peach Juice is So Beneficial to Your Health

Are you interested in finding a healthy juice that tastes great and will give you plenty of benefits?  If so you’ll find that peach juice is one of your best options.  Peach is a fruit that is grown all over the world from cold climates to warmer climates.  However, it originally came from ancient China before it was exported all around the globe.  Peaches don’t contain many calories and they’re known for their strong, satisfying aroma.  Peach juice is one of the healthiest juices you can drink and we’re going to look at the reasons why.  You’ll soon realize that powerful benefits of drinking a glass per day.

Peach Benefits For Your Heart

One of the primary benefits of drinking peach juice is the benefit it has on your heart.  It helps to actually strengthen the overall heart muscle which will result in a smoother blood flow.  Apart from stimulating the blood flow you’ll notice a decrease in cholesterol levels and improved overall blood pressure.  Peaches also have the ability to reduce other cardiovascular diseases that are harmful to your body.  It also contains a high amount of iron which has been show to help fight anemia.

health benefits of peaches

Peaches Help With Weight Loss

Another overall benefit of peaches is that they help with weight loss.  It’s not because they help you burn fat or build muscle.  It’s because they don’t contain a whole lot of calories.  For added bonus they will make you feel like you’ve eaten a lot when in reality you haven’t.  This is great for satisfying hunger cravings your body may have.  It’s estimated that a full glass of peach juice will contain around 50 calories or so.

Peaches And Kidney Problems

If you’re having problems with your kidneys you’ll also find that peach juice can be beneficial.  Research has shown that peach juice has laxative and diuretic properties which will help stimulate certain functions of the kidneys that might not be working properly.  This has been shown to lower the risk of certain kidney and liver diseases such as nephritis.  Another strong benefit is that peaches will help dissolve kidney stones that may be building up inside.  If you’ve ever passed a kidney stone you’ll understand why it is important to stop them before they build up. Otherwise kidney stones can be very painful.

Digestive Problems

Drinking a glass of peach juice has also been proven to help with digestive problems you may be experiencing.  This juice is high in alkalines which are important in the relief of indigestion, stomach problems, constipation, and even nausea.  It is also an excellent way to fight other problems that are caused by stress or anxiety.  In other words, it will have a calming effect if you’re experiencing a headache or any serious problems in your life that may be causing unrest.

Recovery From Illnesses

Another key reason to drink peach juice is the fact that it will help you out if you’re recovering from illness.  While you may have heard that Vitamin C from oranges is beneficial in overcoming sickness and building your immune system, most people don’t think about the benefits of peaches.  One of things peach juice does that is so important is that it will give you more energy.  It will build up your body and give it everything it needs to fight off an illness that you may be suffering from.

While peach juice isn’t a perfect cure for all of the problems you may be experiencing, there is plenty of research to back up the powerful health benefits that you can get from drinking it. It contains everything you need to give your body a tune up.  So if you find that you’re experiencing any of the previous problems, or just want to live a healthier life, try a glass or two of peach juice every day.