15 Dec

The Amazing Health Benefits of Blackcurrant Juice

Black Currants are among the many berries that are very high in nutrient content and are excellent for your health. Black currants consumed as juice are even more potent and offer powerful health benefits for the conscious consumer. Many people have heard about this amazing juice but are unaware of exactly what the health benefits of blackcurrant juice are. By having a basic understanding of the advantages of consuming black currant juice, it is possible to experience an increase in health and energy levels for optimal wellbeing.

Health benefits of blackcurrant juice

Excellent Source of Vitamin C and Potassium

Black currants pack a powerful nutritional punch and have been used for centuries to cure many human ailments. Black currants are an excellent source of Vitamin C as well as Potassium. The Potassium levels in black currants are shown to be twice as much as the content found in bananas and the Vitamin C levels exceed that of oranges by four times. They are rich in many phytonutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.  Their antioxidant power is double that of the more well-known blueberries. In addition black currants contain a very rare Omega-6 essential fatty acid called Gamma-Linoleic Acid which is excellent for your health.

Main Health Benefits of Blackcurrant Juice: Kidney Stones, Urinary Tract Infections, Vision Disorders, Heart Disease, and Alzheimer’s Disease

The main health benefits that have been associated with the consumption of black currants include the treatment of kidney stones, urinary tract infections, vision disorders, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to its multifaceted healing benefits, there is new research being done on black currant’s curative effects in regards to preventing liver cancer. The primary antioxidant called anthocyanin is found in black currants and this antioxidant has been known to help prevent liver cancer which is also one of the most common cancers in the world.

The black currant fruit can also be juiced for easy consumption which will yield the same nutritional benefits as the fruit itself. The fruit juice contains anthocyanin as well as a substance called cassis polysaccharide which has a combatant effect on toxic cells such as tumors. The black currant can be juiced but should not be heated as high temperatures reduce its nutritional value.

Health Benefits of Blackcurrant Juice In History

Although the health benefits of black currant juice may seem like recent findings, the fruit has been used for its health benefits for quite a number of years. Blackcurrants were used in Europe, Russia and North America for their health increasing properties. The Native Americans used blackcurrants to aid in their treatments of stomach pains, uterine discomforts as well as kidney problems. In addition, for the earlier part of the 19th and 20th centuries, European doctors used this powerful fruit as a remedy for scurvy and other infection such as urinary tract infections, inflammations and intestinal illnesses. German physicians used blackcurrants to help treat bladder stones and liver ailments as well as for use in lung disorders.

Antioxidant Power

The health benefits of black currant juice are many. By far the biggest appeal is the antioxidant power found in these tiny purple berries. The system used to measure the antioxidant strength of individual fruits is called TEAC (Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity). According to the findings from this system, the antioxidant power found within currant is more than twice that of any other fruits. The antioxidants in black currant juice help to fight free radicals found within the body that could be potentially harmful to your health. They work to stop any potential damage before the free radicals can fully take effect and harm the healthy cells in your body.


The potassium content in black currant juice is equivalent to 361mg making black currants an excellent source of potassium. The potassium found in currants offer vital nutrients to your body and can help to combat high blood pressure and stroke. It is also known to help maintain a healthy heart as and digestive system. The daily recommended intake of potassium is 4,700 and black currants are an excellent source.

The health benefits of blackcurrant juice are one of the main reasons for drinking this delicious beverage. The dark, rich purple berries are not only delicious but they have a host of health inducing properties that contribute to your overall wellbeing. Blackcurrant juice is a nutritious drink that is so powerful, it is being researched for its cancer preventative properties. By making blackcurrant juice a regular part of your diet, you too can reap the many benefits found in this potent fruit.

14 Dec

Health Benefits Of Fig Juice: Mother Nature’s Most Complete Nutrition Source

Figs are one of humankind’s most ancient food sources. They are a member of the mulberry family and originated in northern Asia Minor. Because people have been using the fig for so long, it’s possible that our body chemistries have co-adapted and attuned to the amazing variety of nutrients packed into these sweet and luscious fruits. That’s part of the reason that eating figs and drinking fig juice is one of the healthiest and best possible choices for providing our body with what it needs most.

Delivering the vitamin-mineral rich compound of the fig to your body by drinking it as a juice is an exceptional way to gain the nutrition load of this fruit. It’s also high in fiber, making it an excellent digestive regulator. Fig juice has a definite but gentle laxative effect.

Health benefits of fig juice

Calcium and Potassium Content

Fig juice is especially beneficial for women because it has significant calcium and potassium content which helps build bone density, and this reduces the amount of dairy products people need to take in to get the natural calcium. The more dairy one replaces with low-fat fruits juices, such as fig juice, the less fat and cholesterol one takes in while still getting calcium.

Fig Juice As A Mild Sleep Aid

Fig juice is one of the best possible beverages you can drink in the evening, or even right before bed. It contains tryptophan which is one of the 20 basic amino acids, but which is also well known to be a natural sleep inducer. Tryptophan has proven so effective in aiding sleep, the substance has been isolated and concentrated for use in sleeping pills.  But the good thing about getting tryptophan from fig juice is that you don’t get an unnaturally large dose as you do from pills. Rather, you get a gentle boost toward a restful night’s sleep. with no “sleeping pill hangover.”  Combine this with the fact that fig juice has a mild laxative effect, you’ll not only sleep better, but wake up ready to easier more natural bowel movements – you be rested and energized for an active day!

Health Benefits Of Fig Juice Are Also A Result Of An Array Of Amazing Acids

The essential nutritional acid content of fig juice is nothing short of amazing. It contains gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, sryingic acid, catechin, epicatechin and rutin. Gallic acid is well known to have antifungal and antiviral properties and has been shown to have cytoxicity against cancer cells. Chlorogenic acid is a powerful antioxidant and releases glucose into the blood stream, which also naturally balances insulin levels, making this excellent for diabetics. Rutin is an acid that is sometimes called Vitamin P, although it is not technically a vitamin. This has been shown to improve blood circulation, have anti-inflammatory effects and may be able to prevent varicose veins because of its mild blood thinning actions.

Fig Juice Is A Natural Body Builder

Keep in mind that figs and fig juice is very rich in carbohydrates and natural sugars. If you are on a low-carb diet, fig juice may load a few more carbs than you want. On the other hand, a serving of fig juice has 250 kcals of energy. Those who drink fig juice tend to experience an immediate energy boost, and thus are prompted to exercise more and burn off more calories. You’ll get more carbs, but you’ll burn them off faster. The high glucose content of fig juice helps fuel the muscles during a workout routine. That, combined with the three grams of protein you get from a serving of fig juice, makes it perhaps one of the best natural workout, muscle building and body building natural foods. Forget all of those artificially concocted muscle building energy drinks designed for body builders and athletes – fig juice is the real deal straight from Mother Nature!

Figs for fig juice

A Host  Of Other Health Benefits Of Fig Juice

There are a variety of other benefits associated with fig juice. A short list is:

  • soother of bronchial passages,
  • reduces risk of breast cancer,
  • may be a complete cure for hemorrhoids,
  • natural regulator of blood pressure and more.

What Kind Of Fig Juice Should You Buy?

Because figs are natural to Mideast countries such as Turkey, India, Israel, and Arab countries, many people prefer to buy fig juice products imported from these sources. Strive to select only fig juice brands that are certified organic, and not produced with pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilizers. You don’t want to counter the natural healthy ingredients of fig juice by possibly getting traces of harmful chemicals with your product.

Making Your Own Homemade Fig Juice

Remember that you may also want to try your hand at making your own fig juice using a juicer, food processor or a blender. It’s easy to do, and your homemade fig juice will be the freshest of the fresh, contain fiber-rich pulp and a truckload of nutritional energy. Just browse our site and look for some fig juice recipes the will help you get all the health benefits of fig juice.

14 Dec

The Many Health Benefits of Blackberry Juice

Blackberries are not only delicious but they also offer a multitude of health benefits for the health conscious consumer. These small dark berries offer a variety of vitamins and nutrients that can help to boost your energy levels in addition to a host of other nutritional benefits. A great way to enjoy these benefits is by drinking blackberry juice. Health benefits of blackberry juice will set you on your way to improved health and increased vitality.

Blackberries make a thick, dark and savory juice that is almost wine like in flavor. Large quantities of berries are needed to make just a small amount of juice. In fact, it can take almost three and half pounds of berries to make up only a quart of blackberry juice. The juice can be watered down for a slightly less intense flavor. It can also be used in a variety of different ways such as in the making of black berry pies, preserves, smoothies, ice cream, lemonade and even liquors for a distinctive, tart and decadent flavoring. The health benefits of blackberry juice can best be received either through drinking the juice directly or eating the whole fruit.

Blackberry for blackberry juice


Blackberry juice has a variety of health benefits which can help to increase overall health. One of the main benefits of blackberry juice is its antioxidant properties which aid in fighting free radical cells which occur sporadically throughout the body. By preventing these free radicals from taking over and affecting otherwise healthy cells within the body, the antioxidant properties are able to aid in the prevention of potential cancer causing cells. Blackberry juice has one of the most powerful antioxidant properties among fruits.

Rich In Vitamin A and C,  Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous and Iron

In addition to its antioxidant benefits, black berry juice has a wealth of vitamins such as vitamins A and C. Blackberry juice is also rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorous and iron. The blackberry fruit has been used for thousands of years for daily ailments as well as several illnesses which can occurr in the body. Some of the ailments for which blackberry juice has been used include whooping cough, stomach illnesses, ulcers, gout, diarrhea, nausea, venom bites and sore throat. Black berries have also been used to help bring down a fever and treat bowel problems. This is an excellent juice to drink during the colder months when colds and flus are common. Its antioxidant properties combined with its health benefits for sore throats and fever make this juice an effective natural remedy.

Anthocyanin and Ellagic Acid

Blackberry juice has an almost endless list of beneficial properties. Its health boosting effects have been used in treating many ailments as well as preventing new ones from occurring. Blackberries are high in a pigment called anthocyanin and ellagic acid which are powerful antioxidants that help to fight toxicity in the body and prevent cancer and other diseases.


Blackberries also have a high amount of plant estrogen which is called phytoestrogen. This compound is known to play an integral role in the prevention of cervical cancer as well as breast cancer.

Health benefits if blackberries and blackberry juice

Blackberry Juice And Premature Aging

Blackberry juice is a powerful health promoting beverage which can even combat the signs of aging through its high antioxidant properties. The antioxidants in blackberries work to eliminate the toxic cells which damage DNA and lead to signs of premature aging. Blackberries also contain high levels of tannin which works to tighten tissue in the body.

Health Benefits of Blackberry Juice – Inflammations and Cholesterol

Blackberries help to combat hemorrhoids, diarrhea and reduce intestinal inflammations. The health benefits of blackberry juice also include the reduction of cholesterol. Salicylate which is found in blackberries is also the same substance added to aspirin which is known to combat heart disease and cholesterol. Blackberries also work to strengthen blood vessels, protect eyesight and combat heart disease.

The health benefits of blackberry juice are numerous and have a far reaching effect on the human body. Consuming this savory juice is one of the best things you can do for your body. Its medicinal properties have been used for thousands of years to treat illnesses and aid in the prevention of cancer causing cells. Blackberries are among the top ten fruits with strong antioxidant powers that have been well proven to aid the human body in a myriad of ways.

13 Dec

Health Benefits Of Jackfruit Juice

The Jackfruit is a fruit that very few people have heard of. It is large and shaped like an oval and is found in the tropical areas. It is larger but very similar to a durian and has a green/yellow skin that is thick and has spikes. There are a number of health benefits of jackfruit juice in this article you will find the most common ones:

Antioxidants in Jackfruit

The first benefit is the fact that jackfruit is full of antioxidants.  Antioxidants offer a variety of health benefits, including helping to treat different skin conditions and problems, treating ulcers and even helping to fight off some of the cancers that can affect a person. Antioxidants have also been known to help treat and cure common problems such as indigestion and even pneumonia. The best types of jackfruits to choose to get the most antioxidants out of them are the ones that are golden on the inside.

Health benefits of jackfruit juice

High in Potassium

Like bananas, the jackfruit is high in potassium. This offers just the same benefits as potassium in bananas – it mainly helps our muscles to recover after working. Potassium is required in the body to also help with regulating the blood pressure and it has been proven to be an excellent mineral to look after your heart.

However, it is possible to get too much potassium and this can cause a variety of problems. Because of this, it is important to limit the intake of jackfruit each day – just like you should do with bananas.

Health Benefits Of Jackfruit Juice And Amounts of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one vitamin that you have to be careful about, especially during pregnancy. There are different types of vitamin A – some from fruits and some from animals. During pregnancy, you should avoid the animal forms of vitamin A but you still need to get some vitamin A in your body. This is why jackfruit is such a great option.

There is a large amount of vitamin A in the jackfruit, which offers a variety of benefits. The first is that vitamin A will help to keep the skin looking healthy and will help to keep a younger look to it. The vitamin also helps the eyesight and has been known to help improve it or prevent it from deteriorating when we age.


Calcium in the Fruit

Jackfruit also has a large amount of calcium. Our body needs calcium to help build and maintain strong bones. There are very few fruits that have good amounts of calcium, which makes jackfruit so great.

Jackfruit is something worth giving to children and eating during pregnancy and old age – if not all of the time. This will give babies and children the best chance to develop stronger bones while also helping to limit the affects of old age.

The Fiber Content in Jackfruit

The body needs fiber – at least 30 grams per day. This is not the most difficult thing to get into the diet, as long as you like cereals like bran flakes. Jackfruit is full of fiber and will help you to get the amount that you need. The fiber will help to keep the colon clean and also helps to combat indigestion. Ulcers are also common in those who do not get enough fiber in the diet, which is something that the jackfruit will aid with.

These were five most well known health benefits of jackfruit juice. If you know any other benefits of eating this little known fruit, let us know.

12 Dec

Health Benefits of Guava Juice

With its high profile of vitamins, minerals and fiber, the guava fruit has quickly become known as a super fruit. In comparison to an orange, the guava fruit has almost five times the amount of Vitamin C. Other abundant vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin D. The rich dietary minerals of potassium, manganese and copper are also prevalent in this fruit. With both polyphenols and carotenoids, the guava has a high antioxidant value in preventing disease. To reap the health benefits of guava juice, you should make drinking guava juice part of your daily regime. There are a myriad of health benefits from consuming this amazing juice.

Guava Juice Boosts the Immune System

Rich in Vitamin C and iron, guava juice is helpful as a protectant against cold and viral infections. With its anti-microbial and astringent properties, guava is helpful in the reduction of decreasing infections in the respiratory system and mucus.

Guava juice

Cancer and Diabetes

With its high levels of polyphenols and carotenoids, guava juice helps fight the free radicals of cancers, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. Guava juice can help lower the risk of developing numerous cancers with its high antioxidant value. It has also been shown to lower blood glucose levels of those suffering from diabetes.

Health Benefits of Guava Juice For Your Heart Health

Guava naturally helps keep cholesterol levels low in the blood. Its natural dietary fiber and hypoglycemic lower blood pressure by regulating blood fluidity. The minerals of potassium, copper and manganese help regulate a stable and smooth heartbeat.

Gastrointestinal System

The guava is rich with astringents that help get rid of diarrhea. These astringents contain anti-bacterial elements that suppress microbial growth and will also eliminate mucus in the intestinal tract. In addition, the carotenoids and vitamins in guava will disinfect and strengthen the gastrointestinal system.


The many properties in guava help promote healthy skin. Because of its astringents, guava enhances smooth skin and helps prevent breakouts. The abundance of Vitamin A and Vitamin B gives the skin a glow and slows down the aging process. Guava is also helpful in the production of collagen which helps skin elasticity.

Health benefits of guava juice

Brain Health

It is a known fact in the medical community that the B group of vitamins play an important role in the overall function of the brain. Guava is rich in the vitamin B6 and B3. Also known as niacin, vitamin B3 promotes brain flow and stimulates brain function. Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient for nerve and brain function.

Weight Management With Guava Juice

The health benefits of guavas can also extend to weight management. Guava can be helpful for those wishing to lose weight without cutting back on protein, fiber and vitamins. Since guava is both high in proteins and roughage, a small amount is filling. This can help reduce snacking between meals and overeating at meal time.

Because of its extensive range of health benefits, juicing and drinking guava juice has become popular among health enthusiasts. Health benefits of guava juice have surpassed that of oranges, strawberries and blueberries. You should drink guava juice every day to prevent disease and maintain good health.

12 Dec

11 Health Benefits Of Gooseberry Juice: Heart, Anti Ageing, Diabetes And More

If you have not yet tasted gooseberry juice, you are missing out on quite a few benefits that it can have for your health. Here are the most important and well known health benefits of gooseberry juice:

Gooseberry Juice Strengthens the body’s infection-fighting abilities

Gooseberry contains antibacterial properties, which help in strengthening the body’s defense against infections. Combined with additional astringent properties, it improves the body’s resistance to disease and infection. Taking fresh gooseberry juice regularly can help you stay infection free and build your immunity.


Health for the heart

Gooseberry contains minerals and vitamins that help in strengthening the heart. The stronger the heart is, the better it pumps blood and without straining.

Anti-ageing properties Of Gooseberry Juice

Gooseberry juice contains a high amount of antioxidants, which help prevent oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the primary cause of ageing and pre-mature ageing in hyperlipidaemia. In cases where you do not have any health-related cause of anti-ageing to worry about, taking gooseberry juice regularly can help your skin stay young too. This is because the antioxidants present in this juice fight off the substances released when you are stressed, thus slowing down the ageing process. Stress accelerates premature ageing in most cases.

Relief for diabetes

It contains chromium, a substance that helps stimulate cells responsible for releasing insulin. As a result, more insulin is produced in the body and blood sugar levels are lowered.

Vitamin C goodness

Gooseberry is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C. No many other fruits give as high a concentration of Vitamin C as gooseberry juice. Consuming this juice provides your body with most of the daily Vitamin C requirement. Among the most significant functions of vitamin C are immunity boosting, anti-oxidant functions and helping in the synthesis of collagen and norepinephrine.

Collagen is what the blood vessels, ligaments, tendons and bones rely on for healing, growth and strength.

Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter used to enhance brain function and good mood.

Health benefits of gooseberry juice

Anti-oxidant benefits

Gooseberry juice has a high amount of the antioxidants Vitamin C and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Both help in the elimination of free radicals from the body, thus reducing their harmful effects. Free radicals are notorious for among others, causing different types of cancers.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is also known to help in the alleviation of health problems such as arthritis, corneal ulcers, prostrate complications and inflammatory bowel disease.

Polyphenols benefits

Gooseberry juice is rich in polyphenols, substances that contain a combination of anti-allergenic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. All these help in minimizing the risk of cancer, strengthening the immune system, lowering blood pressure and lowering cholesterol.

If you are already diagnosed with any of the aforementioned health conditions, you will notice a considerable amount of relief when you start drinking gooseberry juice regularly.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Gooseberry juice naturally acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps soothe and heal wounds. These anti-inflammatory properties are also very useful when it comes to protecting your digestive tract.

Health Benefits Of Gooseberry Juice And Digestion

Gooseberry juice provides relief for hyperchlorhydia and gastric syndrome. Its laxative properties also help in the relief of diarrhea and dysentery.


Gooseberry juice helps improve near-sightedness, cataract and intraocular tension. Taking this juice will help improve overall eyesight for you.


Take gooseberry juice to improve hair growth, strength and color. Gooseberry is used in a lot of hair-products for these same reasons.

These were the most well known health benefits of gooseberry juice.

02 Dec

Blueberry Juice Health Benefits: Blueberrries Have Earned The Right To Be Called A ‘Super Food’

The term “super food” gets thrown around a lot, but when it comes to the blueberries and blueberry juice health benefits, the term is well-deserved and no exaggeration. Blueberries are a veritable miracle of nature. The taste of blueberry is one of life’s greatest pleasures. As a beverage, blueberry juice is sublime – all this, and the health benefits it supplies are enormous.


First, blueberry juice is a powerhouse source of antioxidants. As you may know, antioxidants are composed of a variety of compounds, including vitamins, bio-flavonoids, enzymes, and peroxidases. What these substances do is “scrub” something called “free radicals” from the human body. Free radicals attach themselves to healthy cells in your body and essentially deteriorate them leading to a host of negative effects, including making you age faster and rendering you less able to fight off diseases, from colds to cancer.

Blueberry juice health benefits

So when you drink blueberry juice, you charge your body with free radical eliminating agents that get rid of as many of them as possible, thus helping you stave off aging and fend off disease. That almost sounds like a claim too good to be true for a fruit juice, but solid science backs it up.

Yes, many foods contain antioxidants, among the most common of which are Vitamin C, A, and E. But blueberry juice is not only exceptionally high in these essential antioxidant vitamins; it also delivers them to your body without also loading unwanted junk into your body, like fat or refined sugars. Blueberry juice is so naturally sweet that adding artificial sugar is absolutely unnecessary, even for a person with the most demanding sweet tooth!


Blueberry juice is also high in tannic acid, or tannins, which is well known to be an anti-inflammatory agent. The tannins in blueberry juice can ease intestinal inflammation, and also inflammation of the joints, or even the skin.

Let’s talk about one of the most dreaded diseases – cancer. Anyone can get cancer, and so it only makes sense to get as much of those healthy foods which do the most to give you the greatest chance of fending off the start of cancer. Blueberry juice does that, and in a variety of ways. One of the rich level of antioxidants in blueberry juice, which we have already talked about. But blueberry juice also contains ellagic acid. This natural form of acid is known to “switch off” certain metabolic processes that can lead to cancer in the stomach.

Blueberries juice also prevents cancer of the stomach and colon because it contains pectin, which is a soluble form of fiber. Pectin helps break down “bad” cholesterol, both reducing your cholesterol level, but also preventing bile buildup, which is known to lead to some forms of cancer.


Amazingly, blueberry juice offers some protection for the agonizing condition of macular degeneration of the eyes – something for which there is no cure, and which causes blindness. A rigorous, 18-years study published in the Journal of Ophthalmology which followed 100,000 people found that those who drink high amounts of fruit juices, especially antioxidant rich juices like blueberry juice, have far less chance of developing macular generation as they grow older.

Blueberries and their health benefits


Another one of the blueberry juice health benefits is memory improvement. Blueberries have been shown to not only increase brain function, but specifically memory. This is creating excitement among the scientific community because it suggests high-blueberry/juice diets can play a role in preventing or staving off Alzheimer’s disease. The study which provided these results was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.


Now let’s talk about a rather tongue-twisting compound in blueberry juice called pterostilbene. This is a substance closely related to resveratrol. The latter is produced in plants naturally when they are attacked by harmful fungi and bacteria, enabling the plant to fight off these attacking agents.

As it turns out, pterostilbene and resveratrol can deliver similar benefits to human being when they ingest them via plant products. Only blueberries and grapes contain pterostilbene. The end result is that, by taking in these substances via blueberry juice, you arm yourself with a powerful way to fight of a host of diseases caused by all kinds of substances, from molds and fungi, to bacteria and viruses.

When talking about the health benefits of blueberry juice, it’s almost difficult not to sound like a snake-oil salesman making outlandish claims, as if it were some kind of magical potion. But in the case of blueberry juice – it’s all true!

01 Dec

Health Benefits Of Cucumber Juice: A Delicious Cooler That Keeps Your Body In Balance

A lot of people like cucumbers for their fresh crispy taste that is light, never overpowering, yet delightful and satisfying. The juice of the cucumber leverages that same light taste for a refreshing beverage. Most people think cucumbers are merely 95% water — and they are — but what’s astonishing about it are the enormous health benefits of cucumber juice delivered by this “watery” vegetable product.  (Note: technically, cucumbers are classified as a fruit, although for legal and tax reasons, government regulations consider cucumbers a vegetable).

Whatever you want to call a cucumber, the science is undeniable that drinking cucumber juice is not only healthy, but the payback it supplies to the human body is far reaching. Let’s check off some of the main known health benefits of cucumber juice:


Cucumbers Juice Regulates Ph Of Your Blood

Human blood Ph must be maintained within a narrow range to be considered healthy. The optimum Ph level of blood is between 7.35 and 7.45. This makes our blood just slightly alkaline. If the blood goes below 7.35 is becomes to acidic, which can lead to problems. Cucumbers juice contains minerals that increase alkalinity or reduce acid levels in the blood, and therefore the body. So cucumber juice is an excellent blood balancer, especially for people with acid-related problems. Cucumber juice also helps regulate normal blood pressure.

Connective Tissues

The bones in our body are connected to muscle by something called connective tissues. People with arthritis, for example, are suffering from a deterioration of their connective tissue. Cucumber juice is a natural source of silica, which is an integral element in building and maintaining healthy connective tissue.

Cool Off, Ever From A Fever

Everybody knows that drinking something cool when you’re hot is a way to cool off. Chilled cucumber juice is good for this, but not only because the temperature of the drink is cool. Enzymes found in cucumber juice help balance the electrolytes in the body, which help regulate a natural temperature for the body in hot weather. Note that this also makes cucumber juice an excellent choice for treating a fever.

Elimination and Cleansing

Health benefits of cucumber juice are also the result of its mild, natural diuretic effect – that is, it will make you need to go the bathroom slightly more often, as does coffee and other caffeinated drinks. But cucumber juice is not as powerful a diuretic as coffee and colas, and not harshly acidic like those drinks. It’s a gentle diuretic, which makes you go more, and helps you eliminate toxic substances from your body.

Health benefits of cucumbers
Hair Growth

Are you ready for this one? Cucumber juice to help grow hair? Well, if you are already bald or balding, drinking cucumber juice will not bring back the flowing locks of your youth. However, the specific mineral content of cucumber juice promotes healthy hair growth, and can help you keep what you have, while also making your hair look more healthy, thick and lustrous.

Healthy Skin

People with skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, or just dry flakey skin can see a tremendous benefit from cucumber juice because it is high in Vitamin C, but also a range of other antioxidants that our skins needs to retain healthy cell growth and a normal balance. Note that diseases such as arthritis are often linked to psoriasis, and that we have already seen that cucumber juice helps maintain healthy connective tissue.

Sun Burns

Speaking of skin, applying cucumber juice to a sun burn is a fantastic cooler to inflamed skin, and will have a healing effect on sun burned skin.

Health Benefits Of Cucumber Juice Come From A Long List Of Nutrients

How does cucumber juice get all of the above done? When you look at the list of nutrients in cucumber juice, it becomes obvious that it’s jam-packed with healthy stuff, including: Vitamin C and A, folate, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silica and sulfur. It also has smaller amounts of Vitamin B, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and clorine. Try getting that in a diet soda!

The power of cucumber juice can be magnified if you mix it with other vegetable juices, especially carrot juice and celery juice. This also helps you find a flavor of beverage that more suits your individual taste.

Finally, strive to buy cucumbers and cucumber juice that is certified organic, and grown without the use of pesticides and herbicides. That means growing your own (which is easy and fun to do), or buying from farmer’s markets or other trusted organic producers. Making your own juice is also a snap if you own a juicer, or even a blender in is the best way the get the most health benefits of cucumber juice.

29 Nov

Health Benefits Of Apricot Juice

Apricot juice is one of the most delicious fruit juices and the health benefits of apricot juice are numerous. Because apricot pulp is very thick when the fruit is juiced many apricot juices have other fruit juices added to make them more liquid and are then marketed as apricot juice blends. So be careful if you are looking for pure 100% apricot juice.

Beneficial Nutrients found in Apricot Juice

  • Apricots are extremely rich in carotenoids, specifically beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin (anti-oxidants). These are found mostly in the skin of the apricot, so never throw the skin away. Juice the skin with the pulp of the apricot.
  • Vitamins A, Riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and C
  • Mineral content in apricots includes: Potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper and traces of cobalt, bromide, sodium and sulfur.
  • Fiber and pectin.
  • Natural sugars.
Health benefits of apricot juice

Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Apricot Juice

1. Free radicals are responsible for the plaque-like deposits of cholesterol in the arteries, making them rigid and narrow. Artherosclerosis and heart attacks are the eventual result of these build-ups. Beta-carotene in apricot juice is a powerful antioxidant that helps to lower bad cholesterol (LDL or low density lipoprotein) levels in the blood. Antioxidants get rid of the free radicals in the body. They help keep arteries clean.

2. The vitamin C content of apricots is also an excellent antioxidant and works together with beta-carotenes. It protects the good cholesterol HDL (high density lipoproteins). Vitamin C has another important attribute in fighting or preventing heart disease. It enhances the elasticity of artery walls. Elasticity of artery walls helps prevent high blood pressure associated with artherosclerosis (hardening of the artery walls). The heart does not have to pump so hard in order to circulate the blood.

Eye Health Benefits of Apricot Juice

The lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in apricots help to prevent eye diseases. The retinal nerve endings that send messages of vision to the brain are protected from both UV light and free radicals by carotenoids. Eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and degeneration are significantly reduced. Vitamin A in apricot juice also aids eye and vision health.

Health Benefits of Apricot Juice During Pregnancy

Apricot juice, because of the iron, vitamin and antioxidant content, is excellent in preventing anemia, enhancing health, and preventing sickness during pregnancy. It is also excellent for settling nausea and indigestion. Pregnant women need extra calcium and minerals. Apricot juice provides these.

Apricot juice

Digestive Health Benefits

Apricot juice:

* is excellent for preventing, but also treating constipation. It has gentle laxative qualities. The pectin and fiber content will add necessary bulk and draw moisture to prevent hard stools.
* though acidic to the taste, is alkaline in the digestive system. Drink a glass of apricot juice before eating, it will aid your digestion.
* will help relieve flatulence and colitis.
* alkaline content helps dissolve gall stones

Skin, Hair and Bone Benefits

The vitamin C in apricot juices improves skin elasticity. The minerals are also essential for keeping bones strong, and hair and skin healthy. Antioxidants prevent aging and promote the immune system so improve resistance to disease.

Health Benefits of Magnesium in Apricot Juice

The magnesium content in apricots is approximately ten times higher than in most other fruits. Magnesium has two very beneficial effects.

* It helps to normalize blood pressure.
* Magnesium and phosphorus together enhance brain function. Both are present in apricot juice.

Apricot Juice Helps Prevent Anemia

The iron and copper present in apricots help prevent anemia. Both iron and copper are necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, the essential “oxygen and nutrient carriers” in the red blood cells. Apricot juice is as effective in providing iron for blood regeneration as eating liver.

Longevity – a Possible Health Benefit of Apricot Juice

Scientists link regular apricot consumption with longevity and health in general. Nothing has been proved scientifically, but a village in Pakistan where the people eat only apricots (all forms, fresh, dried and juiced), cereals and vegetables, have some of the longest living and healthiest people on earth. Vitamin A is also reputed to slow down aging.

Cancer Prevention

Apricot juice contains lycopene that is known to help prevent cancer. Interestingly enough, lycopene is more easily digested when the apricots are cooked or processed as in juicing.

Drink apricot juice often and enjoy all the health benefits of apricot juice. There is good reason for naming apricot juice “The Nectar of the Gods”. It is not only delicious to taste, but it works wonders in your body.

27 Nov

The Multiple Health Benefits of Redcurrant Juice

The health benefits of redcurrant juice are considerable; the antioxidant properties of bright red fruits, such as redcurrants, have long been regarded as some of the strongest natural sources to be found, and for thousands of years, the healing properties of redcurrants have helped to treat a variety of wounds and illnesses. Drinking the juice squeezed from fresh fruit juice is a great way to ensure that you get your required daily dose of vitamins and minerals, and the juice obtained from the redcurrant is no exception to this rule.

Health benefits of readcurrant juice.
Redcurrants Contain a Significant Amount of Vitamin C

Redcurrants contain a significant amount of vitamin C.  However, because of their slightly sour taste, if the juice is found to be unpalatable, it may be preferable to mix it with a little natural sweetener, such as honey, before drinking.  Vitamin C is highly regarded for its properties which help protect the immune system, as well as those which keep the skin healthy.  It is a potent antioxidant, which helps to fight against free radical damage caused by exposure to environmental toxins such as pollution, or smoke produced by tobacco products.

Lots Of Other Nutrients And Vitamins

A wonderful natural nutritional source – as well as being packed with vitamin C – redcurrants are rich in potassium, magnesium and iron, and are an excellent source of vitamin B1.  In addition, this tiny super-fruit is high in fiber, and possesses superb anti-inflammatory properties.

Healthy Immune  And Cardio-vascular System, Diabetes, Cancer, Blood Pressure And More…

The health benefits of redcurrant juice can be further attributed to helping maintain a healthy immune system, and offer protection against cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. The potassium contained in redcurrants will help to maintain a healthy blood pressure and prevent muscle cramps; just one cup of redcurrants will provide a little under one-sixth of the recommended adult daily intake of potassium.

The health benefits of redcurrant juice are further illustrated by the presence of magnesium, which, amongst other things, helps to promote healthy nerve and muscle function, and strong and healthy bones.

Redcurrant Juice is Also a Mild Laxative

Due to their high fiber content – a cup yields almost 5g of fiber – redcurrants possess mild laxative and diuretic properties.  As such, their juice can be used to great effect as a tonic to help calm minor stomach upsets, to help flush the bladder through and to keep bowel movements regular. Consuming a fiber-rich diet is also recommended for helping to maintain a healthy cholesterol level.

Regular consumption of redcurrant juice will help to ensure that the digestive system and gut are kept in a healthy condition, and that they perform at an optimum level.


Additionally, the Health Benefits of Redcurrant Juice Include

*  Being used as a mouthwash and gargle to help protect against infections and keep the mouth healthy
*  Helping to induce an appetite
*  Encouraging the body to perspire
*  Helping to keep the blood healthy
*  Assisting in reducing fevers
*  Helping to alleviate problems with menstrual flow
*  Reducing the symptoms of arthritis, gout and rheumatism with their natural anti-inflammatory properties
*  Being used as a natural antiseptic to help soothe cuts, grazes, spots or rashes

It should be noted, though, that some of the health benefits of redcurrant juice are diminished when the fruit is subjected to certain processes involving heat and light.  With this in mind, freshly squeezed juice should always be the first choice to ensure that the maximum benefits are obtained.

The best redcurrants are firm in texture, with a bright color.  After purchase, they should be used as soon as possible, but if they cannot be used straight away, they should be removed from any plastic packaging, put onto a plate or into a paper bag, and stored in a refrigerator.  Under these conditions, they should last for about a week.  To ensure that they keep as well as possible, they should not be washed until just before they are ready to be used.

It should be noted that the health benefits of redcurrant juice will not be compromised too much by juicing fruit which has been stored for a while, providing it has been kept in a cool, dark, place.  In addition, if fresh redcurrants cannot be found, frozen redcurrants can be used for their juice, although their nutritional value will be somewhat diminished.

If you are keen to introduce fresh fruit into your diet as a natural way to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy constitution, the healthy redcurrant juice will certainly help you to achieve your goal.

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