17 Mar

Cherry Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

As a beverage that has recently increased in popularity, cherry juice has drawn the attention of many consumers due to its potential health benefits. While cherry juice may be a healthy addition to the average diet, consumption of cherry juice may not be recommended for everyone. Possible side effects of consuming cherry juice may include allergies and gastrointestinal problems.

When consuming any plant food, it is possible to develop an allergy. Therefore, it is possible to develop an allergy to cherry juice. As with other food allergies, indications of a cherry juice allergy tend to manifest as oral symptoms. In particular, those who suffer from hay fever allergies may also find that they have an allergic reaction to fresh cherry juice. This may also be the case for those who are allergic to apples, plums, hazelnuts, zucchini, bananas, and peaches. The good news for those who enjoy cherry juice but are concerned about cherry juice side effects is that allergies tend to only be triggered by juice that is derived from fresh cherries. Cooking tends to destroy the proteins that are responsible for allergy symptoms. Symptoms which may indicate a cherry juice allergy may include swollen lips and an itchy mouth and throat which may spread to the ears.

Cherry juice side effects

Because cherries are acidic, frequent and daily consumption of cherry juice may result in an upset stomach. When consumed with other fruits and vegetables, drinking large amounts of cherry juice may also result in diarrhea and upset stomach.

Most people will find cherry juice to be a palatable, if not highly nutritional, addition to their diet. However, in some cases, cherry juice side effects may occur. For most people, these side effects tend to not be very severe. But, as with any adverse health reaction, consumers should reduce their intake and seek medical advice should they experience symptoms after drinking cherry juice.

16 Mar

Cucumber Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

Cucumber juice side effects are nonexistent. There are no negative cucumber juice side effects. The human body is easily able to absorb only the vitamins and nutrients it needs from cucumbers and cucumber juice. The body is just as able to then get rid of what it does not need from excess of it.

If cucumber juice quenches one’s thirst, drink up! It is very healthy, refreshing and a great way to cleanse one’s palate. Cucumber juice is also a great topical treatment for skin as well. It is safe to enjoy as much cucumber juice as you desire.


15 Mar

Tangerine Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

There are health benefits when you drink the juice but there are also some tangerine juice side effects you should know about when you consume too much of this juice.

Health Problems that Can Occur

If you have an allergy to tangerines, it may cause a skin rash because of the oil in the fruit. It can also cause problems with bowel movements if you drink too much. This can lead to issues with a person’s gastrointestinal system and also cause intestinal problems.

Warnings for Excessive Consumption

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, drinking too much tangerine juice may cause a stimulation of cytochrome P450 which is needed to absorb medications or agents given to patients. It is advised for a pregnant woman or breastfeeding woman stay away from tangerine juice.

tangerine juice side effects

Prescription Drug and Supplement Reactions

The effects of drinking too much juice include additive effects when using antibiotics and it can possibly decrease cholesterol levels excessively. Another one of many tangerine juice side effects includes the inability to absorb prescription drugs into the blood. This means the effect of the drug to benefit the user is decreased.

14 Mar

Grape Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

Drinking too much grape juice can cause mild side effects mostly pertaining to bowel movements. For example, some grape juice side effects include an upset stomach, indigestion and diarrhea.

Other possible but rare side effects of drinking too much grape juice are nausea and vomiting. More serious grape juice side effects could include infections and muscular problems. Other side effects experienced from drinking too much grape juice include dry mouth, coughing, sore throat and headaches. For those who are allergic to grapes, drinking grape juice will – obviously – cause an allergic reaction.

Finally, drinking large amounts of grape juice could result in an iron-deficiency and lead to anemia.

Grape juice side effects

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12 Mar

Fig Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much?

The fig fruit is well known for its powers as a laxative. The consumption of fig juice in large quantities is linked to loose stools. Those interested in consuming large quantities of fig juice for the many benefits or simply for the taste should build up to the desired amount. Otherwise, it is possible to suffer from abdominal cramping, pain, and diarrhea. Young children should particularly be watched closely if a great deal of fig juice is consumed. Normal amounts of fig juice should be safe for anyone.

Women who are pregnant or who suspect they may be pregnant should discuss fig juice side effects with their physician prior to consuming large quantities. There are no known fig juice side effects if consumed in smaller quantities.

Fig juice side effects

11 Mar

Orange Juice Side Effects:Can You Drink Too Much Orange Juice?

Consuming too much of anything can have negative effects on the body, even something like orange juice, which is always touted as being so good for you. So many people begin their day with a glass of orange juice, but drinking too much can produce a number of orange juice side effects.

Too Much Vitamin C

Most people who drink orange juice do it for the vitamin C, which in the right quantities is very beneficial. However, 100-200 milligrams of vitamin C each day is considered to be all that the body requires and amounts of 500 mg or higher can be harmful. Too much vitamin C can cause damage to the white blood cells, which protect the body against infection.

Levels of Blood Sugar

Many orange juice products available have sugar or other sweeteners in them. Plus, the carbohydrates in a small serving of orange juice can slowly elevate blood sugar levels. So people who drink large servings of orange juice or several servings throughout the day may see their blood sugar climb rapidly. This is especially risky for people who are diabetic or pre-diabetic.

Energy Levels

Having energy levels that are inconsistent through the day is another orange juice side effect when too much is consumed. Drinking a large glass can make you feel full of energy soon after drinking it, but that energy can drop quickly as your blood sugar drops.

Weight Gain

Large glasses of orange juice that can so quickly elevate the blood sugar are big contributors to weight gain and even obesity. Since orange juice contains no fiber it is not very satisfying and causes the blood sugar to drop. This can result in craving carbohydrates and eating more.

orange juice side effects

Miscellaneous Orange Juice Side Effects

There are a number of minor side effects to drinking too much orange juice, which include:

· Indigestion
· Diarrhea
· Heartburn
· Ulcers in the mouth
· Upset stomach
· Increased stress level
· Bloating and gas
· Strong smelling urine

If you drink enough orange juice to consume over 6000 mg of vitamin C there can be some major orange juice side effects:

· Insomnia
· Back pain
· Vitamin B12 deficiency
· Cavities
· Copper Deficiency
· Jaundice

10 Mar

Elderberry Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

Checking for the safety recommendations and possible side effects of any juice is important before drinking large quantities. Elderberry juice has a few special characteristics that its users should know about.

Parts of the Elderberry Plant

Some parts of the elderberry plant, such as the stems, roots and leaves contain cyanogenic glycosides. These are substances that release the poison commonly known as cyanide. While these parts of the plant are not safe to consume, the berries themselves can be eaten raw or cooked. Elderberry juice that is prepared from cooked berries is generally safe and free of side effects. No standard safety level for use has been established.

Uncooked Berries and Gastrointestinal Effects

Uncooked berries can be used to make juice, but its use may lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Elderberry juice side effects are particularly pronounced with the use of unripe fruit.

Elderberry juice side effects - be careful if you use raw berries

Diuretic Effects Is One Of Possible Elderberry Juice Side Effects

Because of their tendency to promote the loss of excess fluid, elderberries could potentially cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. This is probably only a risk if used for long periods and in large amounts.


Since it is known to reduce blood glucose levels, elderberry juice should be used with caution by those who are at risk of experiencing low blood sugar. This includes diabetics who use oral medications or insulin to control their glucose levels.

Neurological Effects

Uncooked berries may cause numbness and altered sensation. When used as a laxative, raw elderberry juice side effects can include dizziness, light-headedness and stupor.

Special Considerations

Elderberry is known to boost immune system function. People who suffer with autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis should avoid using it as it could make symptoms worse. It is not clear whether elderberry juice is safe during pregnancy and breast feeding. For safety, its use is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Long-term consumption of the juice has not been studied. It is believed to be safe when used for up to five days.

09 Mar

Durian Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

Durian juice, which is extracted from durian fruit, has an odor that is quite offensive to some, being described as similar to smelling rotten onions, rotten fruit, road kill, moldy clothing, sewage or turpentine. Durian juice side effects are, therefore, experienced by individuals who dislike the odor.

These persons also tend to report a strong aftertaste of turpentine or alcohol. Sometimes, this taste is re-experienced throughout the day when people burp. Due to the strong odor, the fruit is banned from many public places, and could bring an offensive, lingering smell into the home.

When considering Durian juice side effects, one should be aware that uncooked durian seeds should not be processed into the juice, as they contain cyclopropene fatty acids, which are toxic.

Those restricting the intake of high glycemic foods should avoid drinking a lot of durian juice, which has a high glycemic content.

Durian juice side effects


08 Mar

Carrot Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

While drinking carrot juice in moderation has significant health benefits, drinking too much can have side effects. Carrot juice is high in beta carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body. Consuming a lot of carrot juice can affect the color of the skin. Carrot juice is also high in sugar and calories, so people with diabetes should be mindful of this.

Carotenemia Is One Of The Carrot Juice Side Effects

A change in the color of the skin is one of the carrot juice side effects. Due to the high level of beta-carotene in carrot juice, drinking more than three glasses per day can result in an orange hue to the skin. The orange coloring is most likely to be seen on hands, feet and around the mouth. This condition is called carotenemia and is not dangerous. It disappears without treatment as soon as consumption is lowered or stopped.

Carrot juice side effects - too much beta-carotene

High glucose content

Carrots are naturally sweet (lots of sugar). This sweetness is the reason many people use carrots for their juice, but too much glucose can be dangerous to diabetics. Another of the carrot juice side effects applies to people with diabetes. Small amounts of carrot juice are okay and can even be good for a person with diabetes. The glycemic index of an eight ounce glass of carrot juice is about 45, with about 22 grams of carbohydrates.

High sodium content

Carrots are also quite rich with sodium. Too much sodium in your diet can lead to all sorts of problems. The main one is that lots of sodium (salt) can lead to Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure. Hypertension is then a cause of all sorts of heart and health related problems. But you would probably turn yellow from carotenemia and stop drinking carrot juice before this sodium carrot juice side effect would start to show. As with all the natural juice side effects juices are safe and very beneficial to our bodies as long as we don’t exaggerate when drinking them.

08 Mar

Blueberry Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

While its classification leaves it considered as something that is likely safe for most people, there are a few different blueberry juice side effects that have the potential to affect you. You should familiarize yourself with these possible risks before eating the fruit or drinking its juice.


Raw blueberries and blueberry juice have relatively high levels of salicylate, which is similar in nature to aspirin and comes from salicylic acid. Much like aspirin, salicylate is known to cause stomach irritation and upset in some individuals. However, even if you are prone to salicylate-induced stomach irritation, you will likely find that small amounts of the fruit and its juice are still enjoyable without noticeable ill effects.

Blueberry juice side effects


Most types of blueberries will not have a negative effect on blood sugar levels. However, there are a few types that can lower your blood sugar levels, and even interfere with diabetes medication and insulin if you are an individual with diabetes. It is recommended that you carefully monitor your blood sugar if you have diabetes and plan on consuming blueberries or blueberry juice.


Blueberries contain relatively small amounts of tannins – the same chemical compound that gives coffee its bitter taste – and can cause stomach upset in sensitive individuals. If you consume large amounts of tannins, you are also at a greater risk of liver or kidney damage.


Because blueberries and blueberry juice can affect blood sugar levels, this can create difficulty in moderating proper blood sugar levels throughout and after surgery. If you have a surgery planned, it is recommended that you avoid blueberries for at least two weeks beforehand.

Although there are several possible blueberry juice side effects that have negative repercussions, it is still generally considered that blueberries are a safe and healthy fruit. As with all foods, pay attention to your body’s reactions to fruits you digest, and you will likely have nothing to worry about.