25 Mar

Papaya Juice Side Effects: What Happens If You Drink Too Much?

Today, people are trying to be more health conscious than ever before. With the growing rate of obesity in our country and new fad diets turning up everywhere one looks, it is no wonder that we are starting to look towards more natural solutions in order to be healthy. Papaya juice has been found to have many health benefits, and it is all natural. However, is it possible to drink too much papaya juice? Are there any papaya juice side effects?

There are really no harmful papaya juice side effects. However, there are various parts of the papaya that can be used for other purposes, such as the seeds and leaves. When the papaya juice is taken orally, there seems to be no adverse effects. Although severe allergic reactions can occur when this fruit is used for other things, such as hair conditioner, and comes in contact with the skin.

Papayas do contain some beta carotene. As with any fruit or vegetable that contains beta carotene, ingesting excessive amounts can cause a yellowing of the skin, especially in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. However, this yellowing effect is not harmful.

papaya juice side effects

Papaya juice should not be taken during pregnancy. While it has yet to be confirmed, it is speculated that the fluid produced when a papaya fruit is not quite ripe may cause uterine contractions. During pregnancy, this could create a miscarriage.

More benefits of papaya juice are being found everyday. Based on the current research, there is no reason not to enjoy this fruit and all its positive characteristics.

24 Mar

Pineapple Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much Pineapple Juice?

Pineapple juice side effects are rare and usually occur when drinking large quantities, especially during a short period of time.

Effects Of Drinking Too Much Pineapple Juice

A digestive enzyme in pineapple juice, bromelain, may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash and heavy menstruation.

Drinking large quantities of pineapple juice can lead to uterine contractions.

If the juice was taken from an unripe pineapple, severe vomiting may occur.

A component of pineapple juice, ethyl acrylate, can result in skin sensitivity.

Possible Interactions

Pineapple juice may interfere with the effects of tetracycline and amoxicillin because of the presence of bromelain in the juice.

Pineapple juice contains large amounts of fructose, a natural sugar, and should be avoided by people with diabetes and other blood sugar disorders.

Pineapple juice side effects

Diet and Exercise

Drinking pineapple juice before exercising may result in leg cramps because of the high glycemic content in processed juices.

Never base a diet entirely on pineapple juice. It is high in calories and lacks the vitamins, nutrients and fiber necessary for a healthy diet.

Pineapple juice side effects are usually mild and will disappear once a person has stopped drinking the juice. It is best to eat the fruit, but drinking small amounts of juice is usually not a problem for healthy people.

23 Mar

Redcurrant Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much?

Redcurrant juice is a powerful tool when used for optimal health, but there are certain precautions that should be taken to avoid producing negative redcurrant juice side effects.

Most importantly, whether you make your own redcurrant juice at home or buy it already bottled, it is essentially important that you select products of the highest quality. The reason this is such a concern is because redcurrants grow on plants that are prone to certain diseases that can sometimes be transmitted to people who ingest the fruit.

The most common diseases of this nature that afflict the redcurrant plants are White Pine Blister Rust and Anthracnose. Both of these illnesses are caused by fungi that grow on the plants. These fungi cause obvious physical damage to the plant, especially on the leaves, so if you grow or pick your own redcurrant plants, it should be apparent which ones are safe. If you buy your redcurrants from a store, just make sure that they are produced by a company you can trust, one that is closely regulated.

Redcurrant juice side effects

It should also be noted that redcurrant juice is a natural laxative, so if drank in excess, this quality can be magnified and could result in diarrhea. Otherwise, redcurrants are healthy, safe and can be useful in the prevention or treatment of many conditions, so don’t let the threat of a few redcurrant juice side effects scare you away.

22 Mar

Strawberry Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much Strawberry Juice?

Strawberry juice side effects are extremely uncommon. However, there are a couple of potential side effects that you need to familiarize yourself with before eating the fruit or drinking its juice.

Strawberry Allergies

A small number of people are allergic to strawberries, and even if you have never experienced an allergic reaction before, you could potentially develop one. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to strawberries can include swelling accompanied by a burning or prickling sensation to the mouth, tongue or cheeks; hives; tearing of the eyes; runny nasal passages; difficulty breathing through the nose; sneezing; itching; dermatitis; asthma; rhinitis; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; cramps; eczema; and, in extremely rare cases, anaphylactic shock and asphyxia.

Strawberry juice side effects

Strawberry Juice Side Effects And Phenols

Strawberries contain phenols, which are phytonutrients. While this is typically one of the characteristics of strawberries that make them largely considered a sort of “wonder fruit”, somewhat more recent research indicates that the benefits of the phenols can come at a price. Strawberries have long since been heralded as a fantastic anti-cancer and anti-aging food, but new evidence suggests that phenols may have no innate mechanism that allows them to differentiate between, say, tumor cells and healthy cells. Thus, while the phenols do happen to attack cancer cells, they also tend to weaken surrounding healthy cells as well.

As with all foods, it is important to know your body and how you react to certain foods. Moreover, it is important to consume foods in moderation, and stray away from tendencies of leaning on any one, particular food source for your nutrition. Keep a healthy, balanced diet and you will likely avoid any potential strawberry juice side effects.

21 Mar

Watermelon Juice Side Effects From Drinking Too Much Of It

Watermelon is enjoyed by many people and is an especially refreshing treat during the summer months. While most people enjoy the watermelon fruit, watermelon juice is just as nutritious and refreshing, and it can be consumed by itself or used to add flavoring to recipes and other beverages. However, as with many foods, excessive consumption of watermelon juice can lead to adverse side effects. Watermelon juice side effects may include gastrointestinal disturbance, cardiovascular disruption in hyperkalemia patients, a decrease in aortic blood pressure in those with prehypertension, as well as common food allergy symptoms.


Watermelon juice is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant which gives the juice its color and is believed to have health benefits. However, drinking too much watermelon juice can result in consuming too much lycopene, which may cause gastrointestinal disturbance. Lycopene-induced symptoms may include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and bloating. Health professionals generally recommend consuming less than 30 mg of lycopene to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.

Watermelon Juice Side Effects For People Diagnosed With Hyperkalemia

Drinking large amounts of watermelon juice may also cause side effects in people who who have been diagnosed with hyperkalemia, or too much potassium in the bloodstream. Hyperkalemia can result in serious cardiovascular problems, such as irregular heartbeat, absent or weak pulse, and cardiac arrest. Hyperkalemia may also affect nerve and muscular control.

When potassium levels are excessive, the kidneys work to remove excess potassium from the body, which may result in kidney malfunction. For a person who has hyperkalemia, a typical wedge of watermelon can cause complications. In this case, it is best to limit consumption of watermelon juice to smaller portions, ideally less than a one cup serving. Because watermelon juice causes blood vessel relaxation, patients with prehypertension may also experience a drop in blood pressure in the aorta.

watermelon juice side effects

Allergic Reaction to Watermelon Juice

As with virtually all plant foods, some people may experience an allergic reaction to watermelon juice. Particularly, those who are allergic to latex, celery, cucumbers, or carrots may also find that they are allergic to watermelon juice. Symptoms of allergy can range from moderate to severe and may include hives, facial swelling, anaphylaxis, and diarrhea.

Watermelon juice can generally be enjoyed by everyone. However, excessive consumption may cause watermelon juice side effects. People who have been diagnosed with health conditions such as hyperkalemia, prehypertension, or certain food allergies should especially use caution when consuming watermelon products.

20 Mar

Lemon Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much of It?

Although lemon juice side effects are usually minor, drinking large quantities of this juice can cause some problems. These include heartburn, increased tooth sensitivity, diarrhea and allergic reactions. Lemon juice, like all citrus fruits, contains citric acid, and it is the acid that may cause problems when you drink a lot of lemon juice.


Although a relatively weak acid, citric acid is nevertheless an acid. Citric acid can irritate the esophagus and cause the burning sensation known as heartburn.

Increased Tooth Sensitivity

Acids of any kind can cause the erosion of tooth enamel. The enamel is what protects the nerves of the teeth, and if the enamel becomes thin, you may find your teeth are more sensitive to cold or to being brushed.

lemon juice side effects


Some people can develop citric acid intolerance. This is not an actual allergy, but your body’s negative response to a food substance. Diarrhea is one symptom of citric acid intolerance

Allergic Reactions

The most potentially serious of all lemon juice side effects is an allergic reaction to the citric acid. An allergic reaction is caused by your body’s immune system, which treats the offending food as an invader and tries to destroy it. You may develop hives, facial swelling, nausea or a severe drop in blood pressure. In its most acute form, an allergy can produce anaphylaxis, a condition that can be life-threatening in a few minutes if not treated immediately. If you are determined to have citric acid allergy, you will need to avoid citric acid in all forms, including lemon juice.

20 Mar

Lychee Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much Lychee Juice?

Over consumption of lychee juice can result in some unpleasant side effects. Typically, large quantities need to be consumed before any issue is noticed. Additionally, consumption of inedible portions of the fruit can cause problems.

Lychee Juice Side Effects Due to Over Consumption

One of the health benefits of lychees is the large amount of vitamin C they contain. However, large doses of this vitamin can lead to gastrointestinal problems. In addition, lychee fruit is high in fiber. The combination of the large amounts of a vitamin C and fiber that lychee juice provides can result in abdominal pain and diarrhea for those who drink too much in a short period of time. The tolerance for both vitamin C and fiber increases with increased consumption. For this reason, it is advisable to gradually increase the amount of lychee fruit juice that one drinks. In addition to the gastrointestinal issues, some individuals report chapped lips, and mouth or throat irritation when drinking large quantities of lychee juice. This is an acidic fruit, which may be the cause of some of these issues.

Lychee Juice Side Effects

Lychee Juice Side Effects Due to Improper Preparation

Lychee fruit contains an inedible seed. Some individuals powder the seed, and then add it to drinks or enclose it in capsules. While proper preparations of the lychee fruit seed may have beneficial health effects, eating the seed alone can cause severe gastrointestinal distress. As such, it is important to remove seeds in the process of making lychee fruit juice.

While there are some minor side effects associated with over consumption or improper preparation of lychee juice, they can easily be avoided by monitoring the amount that is consumed and ensuring that seeds are removed during the juicing process.

19 Mar

Cranberry Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

Though there are numerous benefits to drinking cranberry juice, overconsumption of the beverage can lead to some unpleasant cranberry juice side effects. In addition, there are certain drug interactions with the juice of which its drinkers need to be aware. Read on to learn about what to be wary of when drinking cranberry juice.

Stomach Problems

For people that drink a lot of cranberry juice, stomach problems may develop. These include diarrhea, loose stool, and an upset stomach. These are the most common cranberry juice side effects.

Diabetes Complications

Many cranberry juices can have a very high sugar content, and this can cause complications for people who suffer from diabetes. Luckily, many manufacturers offer sugar-free version of their cranberry juices, so people with diabetes can look for those.

Cranberry juice side effects

Kidney Stones

There are chemicals in cranberry juice called oxalates. A high concentration of oxalates in the body has been associated with an increased risk of forming kidney stones. As anyone who has had one will say, kidney stones are one of the most painful things in the world. Anyone that has a history of kidney stones should check with a doctor before beginning to drink large amounts of cranberry juice.

Cranberry Juice Side Effects And Drug Interactions

People that are taking any kind of blood thinner need to be careful when drinking cranberry juice. The mixing of cranberry juice and a blood-thinning medication can lead to excessive bleeding if the person becomes injured. It may be severe enough that the bleeding will not stop without taking a medication to reverse the symptoms, so anyone on a blood thinner should be sure to consult with their doctor before mixing the two. In addition, drinking cranberry juice will sometimes negatively interact with many medications for liver disease, so patients on medications that affect the liver should consult a doctor before mixing them with cranberry juice.

Allergic Reactions

Those that are allergic to a species of berries called Vaccinum should not drink cranberry juice, because the cranberry is a member of the species. Also, anyone with an allergy to aspirin should avoid consuming cranberry juice, because it is likely they will experience a reaction to cranberry juice as well. Anyone that experiences shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing or a constricted throat immediately after drinking cranberry juice should head immediately for the emergency room, because it is most likely an allergic reaction to the cranberry.

19 Mar

Lime Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much Lime Juice?

Lime juice can be a refreshing and healthful drink to enjoy, offering many health benefits to you with regular intake. However, as with many other foods and drinks, there are lime juice side effects to consider if you drink too much of it.

Many people use lime juice because it has the ability to purge your digestive system of waste and act as a cleanse. Yet if you drink too much of it, unpleasant lime juice side effects may result through this cleansing process. Drinking too much of this beverage has been known to keep people in the bathroom as their body goes through a cleansing process.

Further, lime juice is a highly acidic drink, and so those who suffer from acid reflux or sour stomach may be more inclined to have stomach upset and acid-related issues after drinking too much of this juice.

lime juice side effects

Altogether, this is a very healthful drink, but it is often best consumed in moderation to avoid negative side effects associated with over-consumption.

18 Mar

Jackfruit Juice Side Effects: Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

All natural juices usually are not thought of as being potentially dangerous. But the old saying does indeed stand true, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. The natural juice of the jackfruit is indeed beneficial when consumed in moderate quantities in an individual’s diet. Jackfruit juice side effects include but are not limited to: its side effects on sexual health, drug interactions, and any interactions with herbal supplements that are taken.

Jackfruit juice side effects can be more severe in individuals with birch pollen allergies, and should be consumed cautiously because of the risk of side effects that may arise out of a reaction of birch pollen allergy. In addition the consumption of jackfruit may increase coagulation of the blood. This can be dangerous for patients with blood disorders, and the negative effect that increased blood coagulation can have on these patients. In addition, the jackfruit juice side effects include the alteration of glucose tolerance. This is especially dangerous for patients with diabetes. It is because of this side effect on glucose, that patients with diabetes should consult their doctor before consuming jackfruit juice in any quantity.

Jackfruit juice side effects

Jackfruit Seeds

In addition to the consumption of the jackfruit juice, the jackfruit seeds can also have immunostimulative side effects. This is vital information and a great concern for patients that are currently taking immunosuppression drugs or therapy. The jackfruit seeds can come in contact with the juice throughout the juicing process, and their potential negative side effects can affect patients with transplanted tissues.

Jackfruit And Sexual Health

Drinkers of jackfruit juice that are attempting to get pregnant should drink this juice with caution, as it has been reported to decrease the libido, inhibit sexual arousal, sexual vigor and overall sexual performance. It can also cause mild erectile dysfunction in males. Even so, it does not show any evidence of effecting ejaculation or fertility.

Jackfruit juice side effects combined with other drugs and supplements

Jackfruit juice should be consumed cautiously when consuming herbs or supplements that aide in the antifungal activity. This is true because of the risk that the consumption of the jackfruit juice increasing the growth of Fusarium moniliforme and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

In addition, the consumption of jackfruit juice can increase the health risk of bleeding, in those that are currently taking drugs that also increase the risk of bleeding. Some common examples of such drugs include aspirin, anticoagulants (blood thinners), warfarin, or heparin. Additional examples include ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, and naproxen.

As with anything, everything in moderation seems to be the key to avoiding the negative side effects of a beneficial natural fruit. Caution should be taken when consuming jackfruit juice, because unfortunately there is too much of a good thing. As always, a family practitioner should be consulted when in doubt.