15 Jan

Oats as a Superfood? Powerful, Nutrient-rich, And You Can Eat Them Everyday

Oats are an often overlooked food, frequently considered bland, uninteresting or even lacking nutrition. However, this could not be further from the truth: Oats are a powerful, nutrient-rich food that should be eaten every day.

What are Oats?

Historically, oats were not as widely used as wheat or barley. The oldest known location of oats being regularly used was in the Switzerland during the Bronze Age. Oats first came to North America in 1602 and are believed to have originated in Asia Minor. After being planted around the coast of Massachusetts upon arrival, oats slowly were spread across North America. By the 1870s, oats were prevalent in the middle and upper Mississippi valley, where they are primarily produced in America today. Russia, Finland, Poland, and Canada, in addition to the United States, are the leading producers of oats today.

Russia, Finland, Poland, and Canada, are in addition to the United States the leading producers of oats today.

Russia, Finland, Poland, and Canada, are in addition to the United States the leading producers of oats today.

Historical Uses
Oats have traditionally been used as food or pasture grounds for livestock since they were first cultivated. Oats have also been a food source for humans, particularly in Scotland. Oats have also been used as a treatment for diabetes before insulin was developed. Today, many cereals and bread products are made using oat flour or other oat products. Even dairy products, like ice cream, often contain a type of oat product used as a stabilizer.

Why is it a Superfood?

Oats are considered a superfood because they are high in a number of nutrients and minerals, while being low in calories. Oats are rich in zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, Vitamin C and B vitamins. In addition to nourishing skin, nails and hair, oats also deliver nutrients to the nervous system and provide energy. Oats are also a good source of fiber. Because they have a low glycaemic index, oats are slowly digested, which can improve both mood and concentration, and even help prevent or manage diabetes. Oats are an ideal food for dieters, as their slow digestion keeps you feeling full and satisfied for longer. They are also a good source of protein, containing amounts comparable to meat and milk.

Eating one bowl of oats a day has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by up to 20%.

Eating one bowl of oats a day has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by up to 20%.

Health Benefits

Eating one bowl of oats a day has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by up to 20%. Additionally, oats can help prevent heart disease, reduce blood pressure, keep blood sugar levels maintained and boost the immune system.

Oats that are less processed, like whole oat groats or steel-cut oats, take the longest amount of time for the body to break down, which helps to keep the blood sugar regulated. Oats can also help prevent heart disease, due to an antioxidant that can only be found in oats called avenanthramides. Oats can also lower your risk for certain cancers, like colorectal cancer, due to the large amounts of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants found in them. Oats also contain phytoestrogen, which can decrease the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer.

How to Eat Oats

One of the great things about oats is that they are versatile. Oats can easily be eaten alone as granola, porridge or muesli. Perhaps the easiest way to get the recommended daily amount of oats, one cooked cup, is to have a bowl of oatmeal with fruit and cinnamon for breakfast. For a change of pace from the traditional bowl of oatmeal, oat flour can be used in place of traditional flour in many recipes, like cookies, cakes, bread and even pancakes.

Another easy way to get oats into your diet is smoothies. This banana oat smoothie, from Martha Stewart’s website, is a great way to get oats into your diet. This easy smoothie recipe combines oats, yogurt, banana, milk, honey, and cinnamon for a healthy, nutrient-packed meal or snack. Another cool smoothie recipe is in this video. You will need 1/4 cup oats, 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed, 1 cup almond milk, 2 frozen bananas, 1 tbsp. maple syrup, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1 handful pre-soaked almonds. Here is how to do it:

However you eat them, oats are packed with important nutrients and are low in calories. They provide a number of health benefits, making them an ideal food for every day.

11 Jan

Raspberries as a Superfood

Ever since my grandmother would send me into her garden to pick raspberries for a pie or her wonderful raspberry jam I have loved this wonderful berry. Every third berry wound up in my mouth and not in the bowl. That is why it is so great to learn that raspberries are not only delicious, but they are good for you as well. In fact, they are high on the list of superfoods.

Why are Raspberries a Superfood?

A superfood is any food that promotes both weight control overall health. They contain a high number of nutrients that fight diseases and make you full without eating a lot so you don’t take in a lot of calories. Superfoods are also simple to work into meals each day.

Oriental medicine has used raspberries as a cure for anemia.

Oriental medicine has used raspberries as a cure for anemia.

Raspberries fit all the traits of a superfood. Some of the nutrients they contain include high levels of vitamin C and manganese. In fact, a cup of raspberries a day will give you 50 percent of the daily value of each of these. They also contain the most fiber of any fruit.

One of the biggest qualities of a superfood is that they contain antioxidants. Raspberries are high in anthocyanin flavonoids, meaning that they are dense with antioxidants.

Use in Homeopathic Medicine

Traditionally, there are many uses for raspberries as cures for illnesses and conditions. The Chinese have used them for years to cleanse the toxins from the kidneys and the liver as well as the urinary tract. Oriental medicine has used it as a cure for anemia.

The tannins in the leaves of the raspberry plant can help relieve gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea. These same astringent properties can be used to treat sore throat and sores in the mouth. These properties also make the leaves suitable for helping to cure acne, dermatitis, and itching skin.

The Health Benefits of Eating Raspberries

The wonders of antioxidants are a hot topic when it comes to improving health these days. Raspberries contain hundreds of the anti-aging properties of antioxidants. No one has been able to find any reason why you can’t eat as many raspberries as you want every day to take full advantage of these antioxidants.

There are thousands of enzymes in the body that require vitamin C, so the fact that you can get one-half the recommended amount in one cup of raspberries is exciting. The high manganese levels balance estrogen levels and are also good for the metabolism.

Raspberries are 20 percent fiber. Fiber is good for lowering cholesterol, can keep you regular. And can fight off fatigue. Fiber also triggers the growth of the good kinds of bacteria that are needed in the gastrointestinal system.

There are also nutrients in raspberries that can aid in fighting cancer or preventing it. There is a plenty of iron, folic acid, and copper in the berries that can help prevent certain anemias.

Basic Growing Requirements

Many people in this country believe that the best raspberries come from the Pacific Northwest. But raspberries will do fine anywhere that doesn’t have extremely cold temperatures and in spots where they will get a lot of sun and one to two inches of water a week.

Raspberry cereals, smoothie, powerbar…

Since it seems that eating raspberries takes care of a lot daily requirements for nutrients and are so beneficial as a superfood, finding different and fun ways to get them into your diet seems like a good idea.

  • You can’t go wrong with popping them in your mouth a few at a time straight from the carton.
  • Putting them in your morning cereal is always a good idea.
  • Use them as the main part of a morning smoothie:
  • ½ cup of raspberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of organic apple juice
  • ½ cup of water

You can even make your own raspberry breakfast bars. Between the raspberries and the oats, wheat flour, wheat germ, and walnuts that are in these, what better way to start of the day in a healthy way?

Another cool smoothie with peaches and raspberries:

30 Sep

Benefits of Whole Food Vitamins

Whole food vitamins are one of the best supplement choices that an individual can make for their health because these vitamins are made from actual food and not from synthetically formulated chemicals manufactured in a lab. Recent studies have shown that supplements made from real food are more easily absorbed by the body and contributes greatly to the individuals overall nutrition. The continued depletion of our natural food supply has made natural vitamins not only an important addition to our lifestyles, but also a necessary addition to our modern lifestyles.

The Importance Of  Whole Food Vitamins

Whole food vitamins are important because they contribute not only natural vitamins, but they also contribute a number of other substances that are important to our health. These substances are found naturally in food and can’t be obtained through a daily multivitamin or any other supplement for that matter. One of these these important substances are a little thing called probiotics. While vitamins are very important to the proper health of an individual, probiotics are also necessary because they provide the “friendly bacteria” that our body needs in order to properly digest and assimilate the nutrients from food.

Another benefit of whole food vitamins is that they provide a full spectrum of nutrients to the consumer. Recent scientific research has clearly shown that the human body is not designed to absorb isolated vitamins and minerals. The human body is designed to absorb nutrients in full spectrum. Let me give you an example:

If a person eats an orange they are not only getting vitamin C, but they are also getting a full spectrum of other nutrients that allow the vitamin C to be properly absorbed. A person taking vitamin C by itself does not get the supporting nutrients that allow them to properly absorb this nutrient. The whole food vitamin does give the consumer the supporting spectrum of vitamins that are needed to properly absorb it.

Why Take Whole Food Vitamins, Why Not Just Eat Normal Food?

Tomatoes are a source of lycopene

Now I know that many of you may be asking why you shouldn’t just eat the right food and not bother with the whole food supplements (by the way – check out the definition of whole foods – what foods are considered as whole foods). While it is certainly preferable to get your nutritional needs met in this way, it is often not very practical. Once again, let me give you an example:

To get your daily dose of lycopene you would have to consume ten tomatoes each and every day. Even if you could do that, it wouldn’t be very practical would it? But what if those tomatoes were dried ground up and placed in pill form? It would certainly be easier and that is the premise behind whole food vitamins. They allow you to meet your nutritional needs without excessive calories or having to eat an enormous amount of food.

The Price – How Expensive Are They?

When people hear the words “whole food vitamins” or “organic vitamins” one of their initial concerns is that the product will be prohibitively expensive. Whole food vitamins are generally slightly more expensive than synthetic vitamins due to the manufacturing process takes longer to extract the essential nutrients from the food. But it is not prohibitively expensive and the consumer can rest assured that they are receiving a product that has higher purity standards and nutritional value than regular, over the counter vitamins.

In our hectic, fast paced society it is becoming quite clear that more and more people are turning to whole food vitamins to ensure that their nutritional needs are met and their health is protected against the various diseases that are caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

04 Mar

Health Benefits of Melon Juice

Melon Juice is a delicious drink that is commonly made from cantaloupe, sometimes known as “muskmelon”, which is the most popular melon type in the country. One cup of cantaloupe supplies you with 108% of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin A and 98% of the RDA of Vitamin C. Other vitamins and minerals contained in cantaloupe include potassium, folic acid, niacin, dietary fiber, vitamin K, magnesium and thiamin. All these ingredients are what makes cantaloupe so nutritious, and of course taking in cantaloupe in the form of melon juice is the best way to ingest high amounts of this wonder fruit. Did I mention that cantaloupe is low in calories? One cup of cantaloupe contains a mere 53 calories, a good thing to keep in mind when making your own melon juice. A glass of melon juice has more health benefits than you would ever imagine.

Cantaloupes (Melon) juice health benefits

Healthy Circulatory System

Melon juice, with its high Vitamin C content, slows down the process of hardening of the arteries resulting in lowering your arteriosclerosis risk. The antioxidants fight high cholesterol levels. In addition, the potassium helps rid your body of too much sodium which can lower your blood pressure. Cantaloupes also contain a unique compound that has been found to lower the risk of blood clots.

Healthy Immune System and Cancer Prevention

The Vitamin C found in cantaloupe stimulates white blood cells which helps fight infection and builds up your immune system. Vitamin C can help fight anything from the common cold to more serious illnesses. The antioxidant properties protect cells and can prevent cancer, especially melanoma and intestinal cancer.

Healthy Eyes

In addition to Vitamin C, melon juice also has a high quantity of vitamin A, which is not only needed by the retina, but also helps the surface of the eye protect itself against bacteria and viruses and reduces your chances of developing eye infections and cataracts. There is also substantial evidence that this high vitamin A and vitamin C combination can help fight the risk of macular degeneration, especially when recommended amounts of Vitamin E, zinc and copper are consumed in addition.

Healthy Pregnancy and other Women’s Health Benefits

All the vitamins and minerals found in melon juice can definitely make for a more healthy pregnancy. The thiamine content raises your energy level and helps your body absorb the iron that is so vital during pregnancy. The niacin promotes good digestion, and the high content of folic acid supports the placenta and can help to prevent neural tube defects in your baby. As stated before, the potassium in cantaloupe helps to rid your body of too much sodium, which ultimately will reduce water retention, a common irritation that goes along with pregnancy. Not pregnant? Drinking melon juice during menstruation will reduce heavy flow and clotting. The potassium also helps relieve muscular aches and pains.

Healthy Sense of Well-Being

In this fast-paced busy world we live in, high levels of stress can be either an occasional problem or even an ongoing one. Drinking melon juice can help reduce stress. The high potassium helps bring down your blood pressure which helps to oxygenate your brain; and another special compound found in cantaloupe calms anxieties. Because of this a glass of melon juice before bedtime can also help you sleep better. If you are a smoker who is trying to quit, melon juice can help your body deal with nicotine withdrawal; and can also replace the high levels of vitamin A that are lost as a result of smoking.

The many health benefits of melon juice cannot be denied. With its high vitamin and mineral content, as well as its delicious taste and low calorie content, there’s no reason not to start enjoying this wonderful juice that can do so much for your body and mind.

03 Mar

Health Benefits of Tomato Juice

You may already have heard tomato juice described as a “super food” but you may not know exactly why it was placed in this healthy food category. The health benefits of tomato juice are numerous and range from cancer fighting properties to heart and bone health. One look at the list of vitamins and minerals can help you understand just how beneficial this juice can be for the human body. With vitamins C, A, K, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and the minerals potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus; along with protein, fiber and lycopene, it’s easy to see that tomato juice can be very beneficial for your overall health.

The Antioxidant Lycopene

Lycopene is a very unique antioxidant that is found to be abundant in tomato juice. It helps the human body rid itself of free radicals that damage your cells. Because of this ability to defend your cells, lycopene has been proven to help your body prevent nearly every type of cancer by flushing out carcinogens while also defending your body against atherosclerosis, heart disease, and even heart attacks. It is even believed by many scientists that this super antioxidant can help to prevent osteoporosis by encouraging bone health. Also, it has been shown that lycopene can reverse skin damage from ultraviolet light because of its strong antioxidant properties.

Health benefits of tomato juice

Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

If you are one of the many people suffering from high blood pressure or an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol, then you may want to start drinking more tomato juice. The good source of potassium you get in a cup of tomato juice helps regulate blood pressure. The fiber and vitamin B3 in this juice will help to lower bad cholesterol.

Prevent Heart Attacks and Stroke

Potassium also helps your heart (as well as the other muscles in your body) to function properly, which can prevent a heart attack. At the same time, there are compounds called platelet factors that help to prevent blood clots. This can also prevent heart attacks and even strokes. The vitamin B6 helps breakdown homocystene, a compound that damages your blood vessels, keeping your heart and major blood vessels healthy.

Increase Bone and Joint Health

I mentioned earlier about lycopene protecting bones and keeping them healthy. The Vitamin C in tomato juice also keeps bones and teeth healthy. There are many great antioxidants in tomatoes that help defend your bones against free radicals. A recent scientific study showed that taking tomatoes completely out of someone’s diet actually became detrimental to their bone density.

Tomato Juice Will Boost Your Immune System

Of course with the excellent source of vitamin C, you probably already realize tomatoes are good for your immune system. The antioxidants and vitamin A are also good for boosting your immune system. The B vitamins and amino acids also help your immune system because they are important for building those immune system cells. With a healthy immune system you are less likely to become ill and, if you do get sick, you will fight it off much more quickly.

Other Health Benefits Of Tomato Juice

Tomato juice has been shown to help prevent certain cases of Alzheimer’s disease possibly due to the rich source of antioxidants. Tomatoes also seem to help people manage their diabetes better and even reduce obesity. In animal studies, consuming tomato juice appears to prevent emphysema, probably because of the great source of antioxidants protecting the lungs. On top of these benefits the B vitamins in tomato juice can give you more energy, improve your memory and make you feel better overall.

Every day scientists are uncovering more health benefits of this super food and, although many more disease preventions are associated with the tomato, it is not yet understood how the preventive properties work. More research is being conducted to affirm and determine the true health potential of this amazing fruit. It is like a tasty wonder drug with no negative side effects.

15 Feb

15 Health Benefits of Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit is naturally high in vitamin C, vitamin A, lycopene, pectin, limonoids, and also contains many other health boosting nutrients in varying amounts and the consequence of all this nutrients are the numerous health benefits of grapefruit juice. You are what you eat. Like with any nutrient dense natural food, consuming grapefruit will be far more beneficial to your health than the high fat, high salt, and empty calories of so many staples of the American diet. The evidence that this fruit can also help prevent or even improve a number of serious health issues is well documented in numerous formal studies. Below is a list of many of the health issues it is known to have a positive impact on, accompanied by a brief description.


A List Of Health Benefits Of Grapefruit Juice

Appetite control

Pectin and other nutrients in grapefruit help you feel full and satisfied. This can help you resist the temptation to snack on unhealthy junk food and thus help you stick to a generally healthier diet.


The high water content combined with pectin and other nutrients helps keep you adequately hydrated. This also aids in appetite control since many people mistake thirst for hunger and then eat when they really need to just drink something.

Helps reduce fatigue

Many people find it helps combat a feeling of fatigue. This is most likely due at least in part to keeping you hydrated and also in part due to the fact it is a generally nutrient dense food. The general recommendation is to drink a mix of grapefruit and lemon juice just before bedtime.

Weight loss

In part because it helps control appetite and helps keep you hydrated, grapefruit is well known to aid in weight loss. It is also low in calories.

Stabilizes blood sugar levels

Pectin helps stabilize blood sugar. This is beneficial for anyone with any blood sugar disorder, including diabetes, cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD), and functional hypoglycemia.

Liver tonic

It is known to help cleanse the liver, which can help the body cope more effectively with recovery from medication withdrawal, metal poisoning, and any other issue that puts stress on the liver.

Protects against prostate cancer

Numerous sources cite the benefits of naringenin in helping reduce the risk of prostate cancer. This substance is known to help the body repair damaged DNA, which is an important factor in this particular form of cancer. The high lycopene content is another reason it helps protect the body against developing prostate cancer.

Protects against colon cancer

The high levels of vitamin C are particularly helpful in reducing the risk of getting colon cancer.

Protects against other cancers generally

Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants which combat free radicals in the body, thus reducing the risk of developing cancers of all kinds.

Grapefruit helps protect against the flu and other viral infections

Grapefruit helps correct the PH balance of the body. Viral infections do not thrive in a body that has the correct PH value. Thus it helps protect against and kill off viral infections, including the flu and the common cold.

Helps protect against high cholesterol levels

It helps reduce blood levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and thus slows the progression of atherosclerosis.

Helps prevent gallstones and kidney stones

A study in the “British Journal of Nutrition” found that grapefruit helps reduce the risk of forming calcium oxalate stones.

Helps alleviate the symptoms of various inflammatory disorders, some of which are quite debilitating conditions

This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties which helps relieve the symptoms of inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It’s positive impact on PH balance is one of the reasons it works as an anti-inflammatory.

Relieves arthritis

Helps the body remove inorganic calcium which can accumulate in the joints. This is a factor in arthritis. Arthritis is also an inflammatory condition, thus it also benefits from the various anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit.

Helps alleviate fever

It is helpful in bringing down fever and making you more comfortable during a fever, possibly due to improved hydration.

Health benefits of grapefruit juice

These were fifteen most common and well known health benefits of grapefruit juice. Since this juice is really easy to make and since grapefruits are easily obtainable there is no reason why you don’t make yourself a glass of fresh homemade grapefruit juice every once in a while.

12 Feb

Health Benefits of Mangoes and Mango Juice

Everyone knows that fruit is an important component of a healthy diet. Mangoes and natural mango juice, in particular, are an understated fruit and juice because many people seem to still be simply practicing the “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” philosophy. Mangoes and mango juice are rich in various vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. It’s important to avoid certain mango juice products that can be high in sugar and are not natural and consequently, aren’t all that healthy. Eating mangoes or drinking mango juice somewhat often can offer several advantages, beginning with essential vitamin and mineral consumption.

Mango and mango juice

Vitamins Found in Mangoes and Mango Juice

Mangoes and mango juice are bursting with Vitamin A and C, iron and potassium. Vitamin A is noted by medical professionals for its immense contribution to good vision. Vitamin C supports a healthy immune system. Both Vitamin A and C are classified as antioxidants among professionals, which have the potential to contribute to cancer prevention. Potassium also supports high energy and, according to doctors, can even help aid hypertension. Potassium also contributes to healthy heart function and the prevention of future heart issues. Iron is essential in maintaining a high energy level and a lack of iron can result in several dangerous health conditions (such as anemia). Mangoes and mango juice are overflowing with many vitamins and therefore have the ability to prevent you from obtaining a cold or infection and the potential to ward off certain types of cancers.

Even More Health Benefits Connected to Mangoes and Mango Juice

A recent study conducted by the Medical Daily Reporter showed that mangoes have “digestive enzymes” that can assist in proper digestion and soothe an upset stomach and therefore associated stomach aches and pains. Mangoes are also full of fiber. Adequate amounts of fiber ingested guides the body down the path of healthy digestion and normal bowel movements(relief from stubborn constipation or diarrhea). This website shows that mangoes have the power to help with memory and to refresh and rejuvenate skin. This means that mangoes and mango juice can deeply cleanse your pores and possibly lead to radiant, acne free skin.

Mangoes also provide sufficient amounts of folic acid, an imperative item in maintaining a healthy pregnancy free of complications. Mangoes are also noted for promoting healthy blood flow. Mangoes and mango juice even have the ability to decrease heavy, uncomfortable blood flow for women during menstruation. Another great advantage of mangoes is their low caloric content. You can get feel fully content after eating a healthy meal or snack, including mangoes, while still sticking to a low calorie diet.

Health benefits of mango juice

Eating a Mango or Drinking Mango Juice After Exercising

It’s common knowledge that during a work-out, calories are burnt, energy is utilized and therefore nutrients are lost. Research has shown that mangoes are the perfect food for replenishing the body after a work out and regaining lost vitamins and nutrients. Some claim that mangoes and mango juice can eliminate body odor after a strenuous, sweaty workout.

Clearly, the advantages that go along with consuming mangoes or natural mango juice are undeniable. Mangoes and mango juice are tasty, sweet and quite healthy. They both provide remarkably nutritious benefits externally and internally. Maintaining or switching to a healthy lifestyle is totally feasible if you start with a simple step like eating a mango or drinking a glass of mango juice. Ultimately, with the copious amounts of health advantages attached, there’s no reason not to at least try making mangoes or natural mango juice an active part of your diet.

31 Jan

Which Fruit Contains The Most Lutein-zeaxanthin?

What Is Lutein-zeaxanthin?

Lutein-zeaxanthin is a combination of nutrients that are associated with supporting eye health and immune system function. They are antioxidants, which are known for fighting against free radicals and other disease processes within the body, including cancer. Supporting good health by eating foods that are rich in antioxidants becomes especially important as people age. They are part of the carotenoid family.

Supporting Eye Health With Lutein-zeaxanthin

Cataracts and macular degeneration are two issues that can create vision problems, but healthy levels of lutein-zeaxanthin support eye health in order to help prevent those conditions from occurring.

These nutrients are also imperative for maintaining a healthy immune system. Foods that are rich in lutein-zeaxanthin include kale, broccoli and spinach. Other foods such as romaine lettuce, peas and zucchini have high levels of the supplement as well. Generally it is better to obtain these foods when they are fresh and eat them raw or minimally cooked in order to get the best benefits, as cooking the vegetables can reduce the amount of healthy nutrients in them.

Absorption by the body is also a key factor and egg yolks have been shown to promote good absorption of lutein. A certain amount of fat within a diet is known to help the body to process other vitamins and minerals as well. Not having enough carotenoids in the body such as lutein-zeaxanthin can lead to a risk of developing a number of different degenerative conditions or diseases that can have adverse effects on vision.

This might be due to the nutrients ability to support the eyes by fighting against the effects of ultraviolet rays, which are known to contribute to vision problems.


Top Fruits For Lutein-zeaxanthin Content

The amounts of Lutein-zeaxanthin are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Pumpkin 1.500,00 mcg
2 Carrot 256,00 mcg
3 Kiwi 171,00 mcg
4 Jackfruit 157,00 mcg
5 Tangerine 138,00 mcg
6 Mulberry 136,00 mcg
7 Raspberry 136,00 mcg
8 Orange 129,00 mcg
9 Tomato 123,00 mcg
10 Blackberry 118,00 mcg
11 Peach 91,00 mcg
12 Cranberry 91,00 mcg
13 Apricot 89,00 mcg
14 Cherry (sweet) 85,00 mcg
15 Blueberry 80,00 mcg
16 Papaya 75,00 mcg
17 Plum 73,00 mcg
18 Grape 72,00 mcg
19 Pear 45,00 mcg
20 Apple 29,00 mcg
21 Strawberry 26,00 mcg
22 Melon (Cantaloupe) 26,00 mcg
23 Cucumber 23,90 mcg
24 Banana 22,00 mcg
25 Lemon 11,00 mcg
26 Lime 9,00 mcg
27 Fig 9,00 mcg
28 Watermelon 8,00 mcg

24 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Thiamine (Vitamin B1)?

What is Thiamine (Vitamin B1)?

Also known as vitamin B1, Thiamine is a nutrient that helps the body process sugars and is key to a properly functioning nervous system.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) In Our Body

Thiamine is water soluble, so it must be replenished or the body will become deficient with in two weeks. Without sufficient levels of this vitamin, the brain doesn’t function well and serious problems with the nerves, muscles, heart and digestive system can result. Psychosis, weakness and fatigue are among the symptoms that often lead to a diagnosis.

The amount of thiamine a person needs depends on age and gender. Generally, adults need more thiamine than children, especially women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding a child. The USDA has recommendations for daily intake of Thiamine that – if followed – can prevent people from developing complications from its deficiency.

Some people with special conditions such as anorexia, Crohn’s disease, alcoholism or kidney problems requiring dialysis are among the ones most commonly found without enough thiamine in their body. Some people are allergic to thiamine and therefore require special treatment.

Thiamine is sometimes prescribed for people with a deficiency or who are affected by certain metabolic disorders and deficiency symptoms, but most people can get enough of this nutrient through a balanced diet. Milk, beef, brewer’s yeast, oats, seeds, wheat, fortified flour and fortified rice are among the many sources for thiamine. It is also available as a table either by itself or as part of a multivitamin supplement.

Overdose conditions of thiamine are rare because it is a water-soluble nutrient. However, it can cause a form of shock, especially when injected, and can result in breathing problems, nausea, restlessness and – in extreme cases – death.

Health benefits of durian juice

Top Fruits For Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Content

The amounts of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Durian 0,40 mg
2 Jackfruit 0,11 mg
3 Pumpkin 0,10 mg
4 Orange 0,10 mg
5 Grape 0,10 mg
6 Elderberry 0,10 mg
7 Mango 0,10 mg
8 Guava 0,10 mg
9 Blackcurrant 0,10 mg
10 Mangosteen 0,10 mg
11 Pomegranate 0,10 mg
12 Fig 0,10 mg
13 Tangerine 0,06 mg
14 Lemon 0,04 mg
15 Tomato 0,04 mg
16 Watermelon 0,03 mg
17 Banana 0,03 mg
18 Kiwi 0,03 mg
19 Cucumber 0,03 mg
20 Cranberry 0,02 mg

22 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)?

The importance of having a balanced diet continues to make headlines in medical journals. A diet that provides all of the nutritional daily needs should include fruits, vegetables and low-fat proteins that supply a full spectrum of vitamins including the vital riboflavin vitamin B2. This important nutritional element helps prevent disorders related to the skin and eyes and reduces the risk of hair loss, lesions and inflammation. Riboflavin is a key factor in regulating metabolism and can affect a person’s energy level and their ability to concentrate. Including vitamin B2 in the diet by consuming natural foods is an important part of ensuring a healthy daily nutrition routine.

Benefits of Riboflavin Vitamin B2

One of the main benefits of riboflavin, or vitamin B2, includes the ability of this element to convert carbohydrates to sugars which provide energy for our daily activities. When the vitamin is absorbed, it helps form healthy red blood cells that continually nourish the body. The immune system is also enhanced by protecting against free-radical damage. Both children and adults need to maintain the minimum daily requirement of vitamin B2 to ensure overall good health.

Other benefits found from riboflavin include improved skin and hair texture. Eating foods rich in riboflavin helps prevent cataracts and acts as an anti-aging medium.

Health Risks from Deficiencies from Riboflavin Vitamin B2

Having an insufficient supply of riboflavin can lead to disorders that range from mild to severe. People under stress are often affected by the lack of vitamin B2 and may have difficulty sleeping or experience a lack of energy. During pregnancy, sufficient amounts of vitamin B2 helps prevent damage to the unborn fetus. Skin lesions are another symptom from riboflavin deficiencies as is hair loss. Migraine headache sufferers may have a riboflavin deficiency that is correctable by changing dietary habits.

Durian health benefits

Top Fruits For Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Content

The amounts of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Durian 0,20 mg
2 Cranberry 0,20 mg
3 Pumpkin 0,10 mg
4 Lychee 0,10 mg
5 Redcurrant 0,10 mg
6 Grape 0,10 mg
7 Mulberry 0,10 mg
8 Elderberry 0,10 mg
9 Passion Fruit 0,10 mg
10 Mango 0,10 mg
11 Blackcurrant 0,10 mg
12 Mangosteen 0,10 mg
13 Pomegranate 0,10 mg
14 Fig 0,10 mg
15 Banana 0,07 mg
16 Jackfruit 0,06 mg
17 Tangerine 0,04 mg
18 Grapefruit 0,03 mg
19 Cucumber 0,03 mg
20 Melon (Cantaloupe) 0,03 mg
21 Kiwi 0,03 mg
22 Lemon 0,02 mg
23 Pineapple 0,02 mg
24 Blueberry 0,00
25 Plum 0,00
26 Watermelon 0,00
27 Cherry (sweet) 0,00
28 Papaya 0,00
29 Peach 0,00
30 Strawberry 0,00
31 Orange 0,00
32 Apple 0,00
33 Pear 0,00
34 Lime 0,00
35 Gooseberry 0,00
36 Raspberry 0,00
37 Guava 0,00
38 Blackberry 0,00
39 Carrot 0,00
40 Tomato 0,00
41 Apricot 0,00