07 Feb

Health Benefits of Mulberry Juice

The health benefits of mulberries are numerous; mulberries have been used since ancient times as a way of curing a number of ailments, though the nutritional and health benefits of mulberries – and subsequently, mulberry juice – were widely unknown until much more recently. In the past, mulberries were used to help treat people that suffered from the cold and other health problems, including digestion issues. Today, mulberries are used to create juices that are healthful and beneficial to everyone that drinks them for more than simply curing the common cold and digestive problems.


Mulberry Juice Treats Anemia

Anemia is used to describe a low level of iron in a person’s body. Those with anemia often find that they are dizzy and experience heart palpitations and that they exhibit an unattractive pallor. Mulberry juice can help fight the symptoms of anemia because it is rich with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The juice in mulberries promotes the production of the correct body fluids, which includes iron. Consuming mulberries and/or mulberry juice regularly will help your body produce the correct amount of iron, which will reduce your anemic symptoms.
Mulberries have the highest choline content


Mulberry juice is one of the leading ways to cure insomnia. The fact that it helps the body produce all of the correct chemicals and body fluids means that your body needn’t work overtime to produce these fluids and sleep comes easier. Your body needs adequate levels of a number of chemicals in order to allow you to sleep well. If you suffer from insomnia and want to try mulberry juice as a cure for your inability to sleep you should; eating mulberries or drinking mulberry juice on a regular basis will have you noticing an improvement in your sleep patterns before too long.

Stomach Issues and the Benefits of Mulberry Juice

Because it is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, mulberry juice is helpful in treating and correcting a number of issues that people experience with their stomachs and digestive tracts. First and foremost, mulberry juice prevents constipation, which plagues so many people. It also enhances the appetite, which encourages people to eat a healthier and better diet, not allowing them to skip a meal which is horrible for the health. Mulberry juice is also a good way to improve digestion, which means far less issues with your stomach. In some cases, it has been known to cure hepatitis and gastritis, both of which are diseases that are difficult for sufferers.

Anti-Aging Abilities

Anthocyanins and resveratrol are active constituents that are found in mulberries. The constituent resveratrol is widely known as “the fountain of youth” because it has numerous anti-aging benefits. In addition, it also contains anti-cancer agents and body cleansing agents. Mulberry juice is thought by experts to have the ability to prolong the onset of wrinkles in the skin and the appearance of grey hair. The other active constituent found in mulberry juice, anthocyanins, contains a vast array of antioxidants that have health benefits of their own. For example, some of the antioxidants found in mulberry juice have the ability to cure a number of ailments, which is the reason why in ancient times they were used to treat colds and digestive issues. The antioxidants found in mulberries have an absorbency rate that takes much longer than the rate of juice from other fruits, which is why it is so effective with its anti-aging abilities. Mulberry juice works to fight aging whether the signs of aging have already started or not.If you already have wrinkles and are noticing grey hairs starting to show you can start drinking mulberry juice immediately to slow the process. If you are still young and think you have years before the signs of aging start to affect you, start drinking mulberry juice now. That way you will have even more years to enjoy your youthful appearance before age begins to show.

23 Dec

The Natural Health and Beauty Benefits of Elderberry Juice

Elderberries are heaving with a range of nutrients that everyone can benefit from. This berry contains fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and many of the B vitamins. In addition, they have potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium. They also contain flavanoids, carotenoids, amino acids, and tannins which all contribute to the health benefits of elderberry juice. As you can see, there are many different properties within the elderberry and each can have a major effect on your health.

Elderberries have commonly been utilized in folk medicine for treatment of various forms of illnesses. Currently Austria is the largest elderberry producing country in the world. As elderberries are edible when cooked food manufacturers of juices, jams, wines, as well as yogurts often use elderberry within their product. Recent studies have found that elderberries are strong sources of anthocyanins which is a powerful purple pigmentation that has been found to be particularly beneficial to health in many ways. Elderberries are known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and possible anti-cancerous properties. In addition, elderberries have been used in the treatment of herpes simplex and HIV as these are diseases that are directly related to the immune system.

Health benefits of elderberry juice

Health Benefits of Elderberry Juice

Elderberry has been used for many years by Native Americans to treat infections of all kinds in addition to wounds. Elderberry juice or extract is commonly used to treat symptoms of the flu such as runny nose, sore throat, muscle pain and fever. In addition, elderberry is a common treatment for constipation as it has properties that work as a laxative. Elderberry has been used as a diuretic as well suggesting that it can be used for kidney health also. Elderberries promote a strong immune reaction against undesired organisms that provoke flu-like symptoms, as the berries are full of antioxidants. They not only strengthen and fortify the immune system they are also excellent sources for potassium and vitamin C.  The health benefits of elderberry juice and extract are outstanding. Three of the most common uses for elderberries and elderberry extract are listed below.

Colds & Flu: Elderberry is most commonly used in the prevention and treatment of the common cold as well as symptoms of the flu.
Constipation: Commonly used in Europe elderberry is used as a mild laxative and diuretic for those suffering from constipation.
Skin Infections and Irritations: When used topically elderberry can help heal many different skin ailments such as rashes and acne.

Elderberry is also thought to help lower cholesterol, improve your vision, reduce allergies, strengthen the heart, and support the respiratory system.

Skin Benefits Of of Elderberry Juice

Elderberry is known as an effective detoxifier and has been known to clear skin infections such as common sin rashes, boils, conjunctivitis, and acne. When used externally this herb is used in skin lotions as a common astringent that may help or prevent many skin infections and inflammations. The anti-aging properties within elderberry work to protect various cells from damaging free radicals.

The ancient Egyptians used the flowers of the elderberry to heal burns and improve the complexion. The anti-oxidant properties of elderberries are excellent for anti-aging remedies and many people may find cremes and moisturizers with elderberry in them to be highly effective for improving the appearance of their skin. However, consuming elderberry will likely give you the best results. Below are a few ailments in which you can use elderberry externally:

• Sprains
• Inflamed Skin
• Acne
• Arthritis
• Wounds
• Bruises
• Rashes

Forms of Elderberry

Elderberry is available in many different forms with the most common being an extracted liquid – juice. It is also available as lozenges, syrup, and capsules. The fresh elderberry plant contains a toxic chemical that is related to cyanide so it is important to never consume raw, uncooked or undeveloped elderberries. When used for a short amount of time, generally less than a week there are no known side effects of elderberry use.

Safety and Side Effects Of of Elderberry Juice

While the health benefits of elderberry juice can be remarkable, it is important to understand that large doses of elderberry can cause uncontrollable diarrhea due to its properties that work as a laxative. In addition, uncooked berries can cause nausea and vomiting and may be toxic as a result; you should only consume elderberries if they have been cooked. Pregnant and nursing women should not use elderberry as the effects if any in pregnant women have not yet been identified.