26 Feb

Guava Juice Side Effects:Can You Drink Too Much of It?

With all of the health benefits of guava juice, one might wonder whether there are any significant negative guava juice side effects. Is there such a thing as too much guava juice?

Evidence suggests that dangerous guava juice side effects will occur only in two special cases. These are relevant to individuals taking heart medications and those who are monitor their blood sugar, such as people who are diabetic.

Side Effects for People with Heart Problems

Some studies have shown that drinking guava juice in large quantities could result in negative side effects for individuals who are taking heart medications. This seems to occur due to guava’s potential to slow one’s heart rate. For this reason, people with heart conditions should consult their physicians before consuming guava juice.

guava juice side effects

Effects on Individuals with Blood Sugar Issues

Guava juice side effects can include the lowering of blood sugar in the bloodstream. This could result in a medical complication for people who are hypoglycemic or have other issues related to blood sugar levels. These individuals should consult their doctors about the advisability of drinking guava juice.

Safety of Guava Juice for People Without Medical Conditions

Studies have reported no particular ill effects of consuming guava juice by individuals who do not have a heart condition or blood sugar condition such as diabetes. As with all juices, there is the potential for gastrointestinal effects when consuming large quantities. However, no negative effects should be expected when consuming guava juice in moderation.

09 Feb

Health Benefits of Mangosteen Juice – Anti Inflammatory, Antibacterial, Anti-fungal Properties And More

The mangosteen fruit is of Asian origin. In spite of a similar name, it is unrelated to the mango. It is a small purple tropical fruit with a thick rind (sometimes called the pericarp). It has long been used by traditional Eastern medecine for its many health benefits, especially in Thailand. It is extremely high in xanthones, a powerful class of antioxidants. It contains more than twenty different xanthones. The health benefits of this delicious fruit can be had conveniently by drinking the juice. Below is a list of some of the known health benefits of the mangosteen fruit and its juice.

It Helps Prevent Cancer

Like any food high in antioxidants, it helps protect the body against free radicals and thereby helps reduce the risk of developing cancer. Nutrient dense foods rich in natural fiber are also highly recommended as cancer fighting foods. This fruit certainly qualifies.

Mangosteen Juice Works As An Anti-Inflammatory

This property is known to help relieve the symptoms of inflammatory conditions like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It does so without the harsh side effects typical of prescription anti-inflammatory drugs. Taking prescription drugs often leads to other problems which then get treated with additional prescription drugs. And round and round we go. If you can find a natural, nutrition based remedy for your symptoms, you can avoid or at least reduce this vicious cycle.


Antiviral Properties

It can help protect against or even kill viral infections, such as the flu or common cold. This is a type of infection for which modern Western medecine has very few effective treatments and tends to view as largely untreatable.

Antibacterial Properties Of Mangosteen Juice

It helps protect against and even kill bacterial infections, which is the type of infection for which harsh antibiotics are typically prescribed. Unlike prescription antibiotics, this fruit dies not destroy your gut ecology or cause diarrhea. In fact, it helps treat diarrhea and helps support good gut health.

Antifungal Properties

Another health benefit of mangosteen juice is is the fact that it helps protect against and even kill fungal infections, a class of infection that is notoriously hard to effectively treat. Most conventional Western treatments for fungal infections are very toxic and may still not get a fungal infection adequately under control.

Mangosteen Juice Lower Levels Of LDL Cholesterol

Mangosteen juice helps prevent the build up of plaque in the blood vessels, thus slowing the progression of atherosclerosis.

Helps protect against heart disease

It does this in part by helping to prevent atherosclerosis. But it also is more generally beneficial to heart health. Since heart disease can be very deadly, it is extremely important to be proactive and try to avoid developing it.

It helps promote healthy weight loss

Although many people would like to shed a few pounds, it is not worth destroying your baseline health in the process. The safe, sane way to try to achieve an optimal healthy weight is by consuming extremely nutrient dense “super foods”. With the rich abundance of xanthones found in mangosteen, this fruit can certainly be called a “super food”.

It helps reduce fever

This is a quality it shares with some other exotic fruits. One reason fruits help reduce fever is because they are typically a more effective means to combat dehydration than plain water. Simply staying adequately hydrated can help reduce a fever by a full degree, which is sometimes enough by itself to break a fever. However it likely also helps reduce fever because ut helps combat a number of infections. In most cases, fever is the body’s attempt to kill infection. If you find another means to effectively kill infection, that can break a fever.

Mangosteen Juice  Helps Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Ironically, some of the same foods which help protect against diabetes (high blood sugar) also help protect against hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). They do this by helping to stabilize the blood sugar. Foods rich in certain forms of natural fiber share this property and mangosteen is one of them.

These were the most well known and common health benefits if mangosteen juice.

25 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Carbohydrates?

What Are Carbohydrates?

Simply put, carbohydrates are sugars and starches. These molecules are formed by atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and serve as a major source of food and energy for most living organisms. Carbohydrates are also the main structural component of individual cells, plants and arthropods. In most animals excess carbohydrates are stored as glycogen while plants store this energy as starch.

There are two main classes of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates include the sugars fructose, dextrose, sucrose and glucose. These sugars are found in everything from fruits to table sugar. Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals, fruits and vegetables, and breads. Another form of complex carbohydrate is fiber. Although not easily digestible itself, it aids in digestion and has been shown to lower cholesterol.

Simple And Complex carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates have either one or two sugars and complex have three or more. A lot of simple carbohydrates are absorbed more rapidly by the body and can result in a spike in blood sugar. This is most often the case with highly processed or refined sugars like candy, soda, and table sugar. Better sources of simple carbohydrates include milk products and fruit.

It usually takes the body longer to break down complex carbohydrates resulting in a more stable level of blood sugar. Nutritionally, the best sources of complex carbohydrates are fiber rich fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains. The grinding and milling process removes most of the beneficial fiber from grains, so whole grain breads and pastas are preferred sources of complex carbohydrates.

The body needs carbohydrates for optimal functioning. They not only provide fuel for physical activity, but also for proper organ functioning. The brain and nervous system are particularly dependent on carbohydrates for fuel. However, a diet too high in carbohydrates, especially those from highly processed foods can lead to obesity and diabetes, while too few can result in malnutrition and loss of energy. The key to good health is maintaining a healthy balance.

Durian health benefits

Top Fruits For Carbohydrates Content

The amounts of Carbohydrates are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Durian 27,10 g
2 Jackfruit 24,00 g
3 Banana 22,84 g
4 Blueberry 21,40 g
5 Fig 19,20 g
6 Pomegranate 18,70 g
7 Elderberry 18,40 g
8 Mangosteen 17,90 g
9 Blackcurrant 17,20 g
10 Grape 17,10 g
11 Mango 17,00 g
12 Lychee 16,50 g
13 Cherry (sweet) 16,00 g
14 Pineapple 15,10 g
15 Kiwi 14,66 g
16 Guava 14,30 g
17 Redcurrant 13,80 g
18 Apple 13,80 g
19 Passion Fruit 13,60 g
20 Tangerine 13,34 g
21 Cranberry 12,00 g
22 Raspberry 11,90 g
23 Orange 11,70 g
24 Plum 11,40 g
25 Apricot 11,20 g
26 Lime 11,00 g
27 Grapefruit 10,70 g
28 Pear 10,60 g
29 Gooseberry 10,20 g
30 Blackberry 10,20 g
31 Peach 9,90 g
32 Papaya 9,80 g
33 Mulberry 9,80 g
34 Lemon 9,30 g
35 Melon (Cantaloupe) 8,80 g
36 Carrot 8,20 g
37 Strawberry 7,70 g
38 Watermelon 7,60 g
39 Pumpkin 6,50 g
40 Tomato 3,90 g
41 Cucumber 3,60 g

13 Jan

Which Fruit Has The Most Sugar (Fructose)?

What is Sugar (Fructose)?

Fructose is a form of sugar naturally found in fruits. Fructose is twice as sweet as table sugar, but has a much lower glycemic index. Fructose sugar is a monosaccharide, or simple sugar, meaning that it’s made up of just one sugar molecule. When combined with glucose, this pairing transforms into a polysaccharide, or complex carbohydrate, in the form of table sugar, or sucrose.

Sugar (Fructose) In Our Body

As a simple carbohydrate, fructose is sent to the liver, where it’s converted into sucrose and glucose. After the glucose is absorbed it aids in all sorts of cell functions that help the body work properly. While it’s not clear what the function of fructose is in the body, it’s believed that the amounts of fructose found in fruits and vegetables is believed to help aid in the absorption of glucose, which keeps blood sugar levels stable. This might be a positive thing for diabetics. High amounts of fructose, however, can be dangerous.

While studies are still being done to find out what dangers too much fructose can do to the body, it’s clear that the amount of fructose in an American diet is causing more harm than good. Eating junk food that contains fructose or high-fructose corn syrup overwhelms the liver and doesn’t allow it to break down fructose as it should. The short-term affects of too much fructose are a variety of digestive issues including diarrhea, bloating and excessive flatulence. Over a period of time, over-consumption of fructose can cause obesity, liver disease and diabetes.

Health benefits of fig juice

Top Fruits For Sugar (Fructose) Content

The amounts of Sugar (Fructose) are given for 100g of each fruit.

1 Fig 16,30 g
2 Grape 16,20 g
3 Lychee 15,20 g
4 Mango 14,80 g
5 Blueberry 14,70 g
6 Pomegranate 13,70 g
7 Passion Fruit 13,40 g
8 Cherry (sweet) 12,80 g
9 Banana 12,00 g
10 Tangerine 11,00 g
11 Apple 10,40 g
12 Plum 9,90 g
13 Pineapple 9,80 g
14 Orange 9,40 g
15 Apricot 9,20 g
16 Kiwi 9,00 g
17 Guava 8,90 g
18 Peach 8,40 g
19 Mulberry 8,10 g
20 Melon (Cantaloupe) 7,90 g
21 Redcurrant 7,40 g
22 Pear 7,00 g
23 Grapefruit 6,90 g
24 Watermelon 6,00 g
25 Papaya 5,90 g
26 Strawberry 4,90 g
27 Blackberry 4,90 g
28 Carrot 4,80 g
29 Raspberry 4,40 g
30 Cranberry 4,00 g
31 Lemon 2,50 g
32 Lime 1,70 g
33 Cucumber 1,70 g
34 Pumpkin 1,40 g
35 Jackfruit 0,00 g
36 Elderberry 0,00 g
37 Gooseberry 0,00 g
38 Blackcurrant 0,00 g
39 Mangosteen 0,00 g
40 Durian 0,00 g
41 Tomato 0,00 g

12 Dec

11 Health Benefits Of Gooseberry Juice: Heart, Anti Ageing, Diabetes And More

If you have not yet tasted gooseberry juice, you are missing out on quite a few benefits that it can have for your health. Here are the most important and well known health benefits of gooseberry juice:

Gooseberry Juice Strengthens the body’s infection-fighting abilities

Gooseberry contains antibacterial properties, which help in strengthening the body’s defense against infections. Combined with additional astringent properties, it improves the body’s resistance to disease and infection. Taking fresh gooseberry juice regularly can help you stay infection free and build your immunity.


Health for the heart

Gooseberry contains minerals and vitamins that help in strengthening the heart. The stronger the heart is, the better it pumps blood and without straining.

Anti-ageing properties Of Gooseberry Juice

Gooseberry juice contains a high amount of antioxidants, which help prevent oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the primary cause of ageing and pre-mature ageing in hyperlipidaemia. In cases where you do not have any health-related cause of anti-ageing to worry about, taking gooseberry juice regularly can help your skin stay young too. This is because the antioxidants present in this juice fight off the substances released when you are stressed, thus slowing down the ageing process. Stress accelerates premature ageing in most cases.

Relief for diabetes

It contains chromium, a substance that helps stimulate cells responsible for releasing insulin. As a result, more insulin is produced in the body and blood sugar levels are lowered.

Vitamin C goodness

Gooseberry is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C. No many other fruits give as high a concentration of Vitamin C as gooseberry juice. Consuming this juice provides your body with most of the daily Vitamin C requirement. Among the most significant functions of vitamin C are immunity boosting, anti-oxidant functions and helping in the synthesis of collagen and norepinephrine.

Collagen is what the blood vessels, ligaments, tendons and bones rely on for healing, growth and strength.

Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter used to enhance brain function and good mood.

Health benefits of gooseberry juice

Anti-oxidant benefits

Gooseberry juice has a high amount of the antioxidants Vitamin C and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Both help in the elimination of free radicals from the body, thus reducing their harmful effects. Free radicals are notorious for among others, causing different types of cancers.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is also known to help in the alleviation of health problems such as arthritis, corneal ulcers, prostrate complications and inflammatory bowel disease.

Polyphenols benefits

Gooseberry juice is rich in polyphenols, substances that contain a combination of anti-allergenic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. All these help in minimizing the risk of cancer, strengthening the immune system, lowering blood pressure and lowering cholesterol.

If you are already diagnosed with any of the aforementioned health conditions, you will notice a considerable amount of relief when you start drinking gooseberry juice regularly.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Gooseberry juice naturally acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps soothe and heal wounds. These anti-inflammatory properties are also very useful when it comes to protecting your digestive tract.

Health Benefits Of Gooseberry Juice And Digestion

Gooseberry juice provides relief for hyperchlorhydia and gastric syndrome. Its laxative properties also help in the relief of diarrhea and dysentery.


Gooseberry juice helps improve near-sightedness, cataract and intraocular tension. Taking this juice will help improve overall eyesight for you.


Take gooseberry juice to improve hair growth, strength and color. Gooseberry is used in a lot of hair-products for these same reasons.

These were the most well known health benefits of gooseberry juice.