01 Apr

Best Apricots For Apricot Juice And How To Choose Them

The best apricots for juicing are the ones you grow yourself. It’s ideal if you have an orchard with an apricot tree or two in it, or if you live near an orchard where people are allowed to pick their own fruit. You’ll know to pick the fruit when all the green color is gone and the fruit yields a bit when you press your thumb into it. Pick the fruit by twisting and gently pulling upwards. Then, slice them, remove the pits and put them in the juicer. There’s no need to remove the skin.

If Apricots Are Store Bought

Whether at the store or farmers’ market, you should pick only unblemished fruits for the juicer, jams, drying, or anything else. Any blemished or bruised fruit stored with others in a container will spoil the rest of them. They should also have that delicious, apricot fragrance, and the fruit should feel heavy for its size. Frozen apricots are tricky when it comes to juicing, for their best flavor is retained after they’ve been partially dried, then frozen.

Best apricots for juicing

Best Apricot Varieties to Juice

The best apricots for juicing are the Dwarf Sungold and Dwarf Moongold, which are midseason apricots. Also good is the Goldcot, which has a sort of tangy flavor and the Royal Blenheim, a late season apricot from California. The flavor is quite intense. Another of the best apricots for juicing is the Tomcot, which is an early fruit with a sweet taste. One apricot-plum hybrid is the Aprium, whose juice has a plummy undertaste.

22 Feb

Apricot Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

Apricot juice side effects seem to appear only one time in the study of those that are found among many commonly reported. It does not increase the occurrence of gas, frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation. Reports of foods that cause allergies, bad breath, acid reflux or gastritis do no not include apricots. High blood pressure and high cholesterol have no connection to the consumption of apricots. It is not associated with arthritis, acne, yeast infections or many other common maladies.

While it is known that apricots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, it takes only one a day or the equivalent amount of juice to satisfy the body’s daily requirement for Vitamin A. Research indicates that the excess consumption of food that contains high levels of beta-carotene can discolor the skin on palms of the hands and soles of the feet. One resulting incidence of apricot juice side effects is known as carotenemia. The yellowish color may seem like jaundice, but it is not an indicator of that disease. Jaundice discolors the whites in the eye, and carotenemia has no such effect.

There are no known apricot juice side effects

23 Jan

Apricot Nutrition Facts

Apricot Nutrition Facts

Betaine 0 mg
Calcium 13 mg
Calories 48 Calories
Carbohydrate 11,2 g
Carotene-a 19 mcg
Carotene-ß 1094 mcg
Choline 2,8 mg
Copper 0,1 mg
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Fluoride 0 mcg
Folate 9 mcg
Iron 0,4 mg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 89 mcg
Lycopene  mcg
Magnesium 10 mg
Manganese 0,1 mg
Niacine 0,6 mg
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) 1115 µ mol TE
Pantothenic Acid 0,2 mg
Phosphorus 23 mg
Phytonutrients 1306 mcg
Potassium 259 mg
Protein 1,4 g
Pyridoxine Vit. B6 0,054 mg
Riboflavin Vit. B2 0 mg
Selenium 0,1 mcg
Sodium 1 mg
Sugar 9,2 g
Thiamine 0 mg
Total Fat 0,4 g
Vitamin A 1926 IU
Vitamin B6 0,1 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Vitamin E 0,9 mg
Vitamin K 3,3 mcg
Water 86,4 g
Zinc 0,2 mg

29 Nov

Health Benefits Of Apricot Juice

Apricot juice is one of the most delicious fruit juices and the health benefits of apricot juice are numerous. Because apricot pulp is very thick when the fruit is juiced many apricot juices have other fruit juices added to make them more liquid and are then marketed as apricot juice blends. So be careful if you are looking for pure 100% apricot juice.

Beneficial Nutrients found in Apricot Juice

  • Apricots are extremely rich in carotenoids, specifically beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin (anti-oxidants). These are found mostly in the skin of the apricot, so never throw the skin away. Juice the skin with the pulp of the apricot.
  • Vitamins A, Riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and C
  • Mineral content in apricots includes: Potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper and traces of cobalt, bromide, sodium and sulfur.
  • Fiber and pectin.
  • Natural sugars.
Health benefits of apricot juice

Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Apricot Juice

1. Free radicals are responsible for the plaque-like deposits of cholesterol in the arteries, making them rigid and narrow. Artherosclerosis and heart attacks are the eventual result of these build-ups. Beta-carotene in apricot juice is a powerful antioxidant that helps to lower bad cholesterol (LDL or low density lipoprotein) levels in the blood. Antioxidants get rid of the free radicals in the body. They help keep arteries clean.

2. The vitamin C content of apricots is also an excellent antioxidant and works together with beta-carotenes. It protects the good cholesterol HDL (high density lipoproteins). Vitamin C has another important attribute in fighting or preventing heart disease. It enhances the elasticity of artery walls. Elasticity of artery walls helps prevent high blood pressure associated with artherosclerosis (hardening of the artery walls). The heart does not have to pump so hard in order to circulate the blood.

Eye Health Benefits of Apricot Juice

The lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in apricots help to prevent eye diseases. The retinal nerve endings that send messages of vision to the brain are protected from both UV light and free radicals by carotenoids. Eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and degeneration are significantly reduced. Vitamin A in apricot juice also aids eye and vision health.

Health Benefits of Apricot Juice During Pregnancy

Apricot juice, because of the iron, vitamin and antioxidant content, is excellent in preventing anemia, enhancing health, and preventing sickness during pregnancy. It is also excellent for settling nausea and indigestion. Pregnant women need extra calcium and minerals. Apricot juice provides these.

Apricot juice

Digestive Health Benefits

Apricot juice:

* is excellent for preventing, but also treating constipation. It has gentle laxative qualities. The pectin and fiber content will add necessary bulk and draw moisture to prevent hard stools.
* though acidic to the taste, is alkaline in the digestive system. Drink a glass of apricot juice before eating, it will aid your digestion.
* will help relieve flatulence and colitis.
* alkaline content helps dissolve gall stones

Skin, Hair and Bone Benefits

The vitamin C in apricot juices improves skin elasticity. The minerals are also essential for keeping bones strong, and hair and skin healthy. Antioxidants prevent aging and promote the immune system so improve resistance to disease.

Health Benefits of Magnesium in Apricot Juice

The magnesium content in apricots is approximately ten times higher than in most other fruits. Magnesium has two very beneficial effects.

* It helps to normalize blood pressure.
* Magnesium and phosphorus together enhance brain function. Both are present in apricot juice.

Apricot Juice Helps Prevent Anemia

The iron and copper present in apricots help prevent anemia. Both iron and copper are necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, the essential “oxygen and nutrient carriers” in the red blood cells. Apricot juice is as effective in providing iron for blood regeneration as eating liver.

Longevity – a Possible Health Benefit of Apricot Juice

Scientists link regular apricot consumption with longevity and health in general. Nothing has been proved scientifically, but a village in Pakistan where the people eat only apricots (all forms, fresh, dried and juiced), cereals and vegetables, have some of the longest living and healthiest people on earth. Vitamin A is also reputed to slow down aging.

Cancer Prevention

Apricot juice contains lycopene that is known to help prevent cancer. Interestingly enough, lycopene is more easily digested when the apricots are cooked or processed as in juicing.

Drink apricot juice often and enjoy all the health benefits of apricot juice. There is good reason for naming apricot juice “The Nectar of the Gods”. It is not only delicious to taste, but it works wonders in your body.