Lime Juice

The Zest of Lime Juice

and its incredible benefits!

The Lime

Lime a fruit that is really similar to a lemon – they came from the same family. It looks like an exact replica of a lemon; the only difference is its bright green color and smaller size. Other people sometimes consider limes and lemons to be the same fruit, but actually they aren’t, they’re just cousins. Limes are much sourer than lemons; fresh limes could actually make your face pucker. That is the reason why limes are more famous when juiced and are seldom consumed fresh and natural. Except when they partner up with salt when it comes to tequila shots.

Limes are described as green oval fruit with sour, acidic taste, which means that it is a perfect source of ascorbic acid or vitamin C and are mostly used to flavor beverages and cuisines. They are evergreen plants that bear fruits all year round; their zest omits a distinctive aroma which made lime a valuable ingredient to hundreds of cuisines including Mexican, Southwestern United States, Thai, Iraqi, Filipino, Indian, and Vietnamese dishes.


Limes became famous during the 18th century when a Scottish surgeon Sir James Lind observed while sailing, that limes treat scurvy, a disease caused by lack of vitamin C.  During that century, lime juice saved millions of people and significantly reduced the mortality rate. The sailors were required to drink at least a daily ration of lime juice and this is also the reason why British sailors were named limeys.

These vitamin C-rich limes are native to tropical countries particularly to Southeast Asia. In fact, Afghanistan and India took the lead of the largest lime cultivation all over the world with astounding 2,060,000 tons of limes exported during 2007.

Health Benefits Of Lime Juice

Lime has proven its medicinal worth way back the 18th century when it saved millions of people from the dreaded disease scurvy. Because limes are rich in vitamin C, they dramatically improve the condition of people with this disease which is actually a deficiency of vitamin C.  Aside from the lime’s treatment to scurvy, there are a lot of other benefits this green, tiny, sour fruit offers.

Perfect for your Skin

Lime extract actually has its own oil which is really beneficial for our skin. It can be applied directly to skin or taken orally. The end result is a healthier and revitalized skin; the lime extract protects against skin diseases and eliminates body odors. Its acidic juice replenishes and scrubs off the dead skin cells, thus makes your skin fairer, it also contains anti-bacterial properties which cleanses your skin, leaving it fresh and rejuvenated.

Helps With Dandruff

Dandruff is caused by fungi due to either exposure to extreme heat or cold.  It is the flaking off of skin of the scalp. The lime extract or juice could treat this itchy scalp problem of almost half of the world population. This natural remedy contains acidic pH that decreases cell-to-cell adhesion between the dead skin cells or corneocytes.

Relieves Indigestion

Because of lime’s acidic extract, it helps digest food in your stomach. It adds to the acidic pH of the stomach so it digests you food more easily.

Helps Lose Weight

As stated above – limes have the ability to treat indigestion and to make  our digestive system healthier and cleaner. They naturally also make your metabolism faster, and you lose weight. Limes are also excellent fat-burners.


The magical vitamin C deserves a little more credit. It treats a lot of diseases and disorders, not to mention that it is a really powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C cleanses and strengthens our body; it protects us against unwanted harmful materials that invade our bodies. It also neutralizes free radicals that cause aging, and even cancer. Limes are also rich in flavonoids which are another antioxidant.

Perfect for the Eyes

Vitamin C again! Besides treating scurvy, being a potent antioxidant, and great for the skin; vitamin C also makes your vision clearer and protects your eyes from aging because of its antioxidant properties. It also prevents ARMD or Age-Related Macular Degeneration, a disease which is the cause of 30% of older adult’s vision loss.

Great for Respiratory Disorders

Limes are also good for your lung. Their oils and flavonoids are used in anti-congestive medicines such as inhalers and vaporizers for asthmatic people and other respiratory disorders.




(per 1 cup or 242g of fresh limes)

60.5 Calories

Total Carbohydrates:  20.4 g

Total Fat:  0.2 g

Protein:  1.0 g

Vitamin A:  121 IU

Vitamin C:  72.6 mg

Vitamin E:  0.5 mg

Vitamin K:  1.5 mcg

Thiamin:  0.1 mg

Niacin:  0.3 mg

Vitamin B6:  0.1 mg

Folate:  24.2 mcg

Pantothenic Acid:  0.3 mg

Choline:  12.3 mg

Betaine:  0.5 mg

Calcium:  33.9 mg

Iron:  0.2 mg

Magnesium:  19.4 mg

Phosphorus:  33.9 mg

Potassium:  283 mg

Sodium:  4.8 mg

Zinc:  0.2 mg

Copper:  0.1 mg

Selenium:  0.2 mcg


Lime Juice Recipe


  • 100 g fresh limes
  • 1 liter of cold water
  • 8 tablespoons of white sugar
  • Ice cubes
  • Some thin slices of limes (for garnish)


  1. Squeeze all the juice out of the limes. It normally yields about 100cc lime extract.
  2. Combine the sugar and the liter of water in a pitcher; mix until sugar is totally dissolved.
  3. Pour in the lime juice afterwards and mix.
  4. Drop a lot of ice cubes for an ice-cold splash!
  5. Pour into individual glasses with ice cubes and garnish with lime slices before serving.
  6. Enjoy your refreshing juice during summer!