12 Apr

Best Kiwis For Kiwi Juice And How To Choose Them

Kiwifruit, most often times shortened to kiwi, is one of the most nutritionally dense fruits known thus far. These small, round, fuzzy fruits are in fact berries!

What are the best kiwis for juicing?

There are actually 400 varieties of kiwifruit. The most commonly sold kiwi is called A.deliciosa, this is the fruit with green flesh and a tart fruity flavor. The sweetest of the varieties is called A.chinensis. This form of the fruit looks similar to it’s green variety but once sliced open, has a yellow flesh inside. The A.chinensis or Golden Kiwi has a much sweeter flavor with less acid than the green kind. This makes the Golden Kiwi the most sought after for juicing because of it’s potent fruity flavor.

How to Choose the Best Kiwis for Juicing:

  • Find a fruit that is undamaged, do not worry about the size of the fruit as that does not matter
  • Be sure the kiwi is firm but not hard, a hard fruit will produce as little flavor as a mushy fruit
  • Look for roundness of the fruit, if it is flat on one side is has been sitting for quite some time and is therefore undesirable for juicing
  • Smell the kiwi’s outer surface, if ripe it should have a sweet smell to it
  • If there are no fully ripened kiwis, buy the most ripe and place them in a paper bag on the counter
  • Placing an apple in the paper bag with the kiwis will promote a faster ripening time

best kiwis for juicing

Putting Your Kiwis Through Your Juicer

  • Cleanse kiwis completely with warm water and a produce soap
  • You may remove the skin but your juicer should take it off anyway so this step is not mandatory
  • Cut the fruit into smaller pieces so it is easier to process
  • Pass fruit through processor
  • Add other ingredients you wish to make the juice more flavorful
  • Stir fruit juice to make sure it is fully incorporated
  • You may wish to strain the juice to remove the kiwi’s small black seeds
  • Enjoy!

This fruit juice is high in vitamin C, actually containing four times the amount of the vitamin in a similarly sized orange! The health benefits of this small fruit are tremendous and most readily available to the consumer when passed through a juicer. The juice may be mixed with several other fruits or vegetables to maximize the potential for vitamins and minerals. Instead of eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, juice them!

27 Feb

Kiwi Juice Side Effects – Can You Drink Too Much Of It?

The most common kiwi juice side effects are allergies to kiwis. Symptoms of an allergy may manifest differently in different people. Some people may experience only a minor oral irritation, but a kiwi allergy can lead to anaphylaxis in others. Hives, swelling and skin rashes are also common allergic reactions. Some people also report tingling or itching in the mouth along with localized swelling of the tongue, mouth and lips when drinking kiwi juice.

Potassium and Vitamins C and E

Kiwis are high in potassium and vitamins C and E. High levels of these nutrients can alter serotonin levels in the brain or triglyceride levels in the blood.

kiwi juice side effects

Other Kiwi Juice Side Effects

Some people have reported vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and dysphagia as potential side effects.

In severe kiwi juice side effects cases, acute pancreatitis has been reported.

04 Feb

Kiwi Nutrition Facts

Kiwi Nutrition Facts

Betaine 0,5 mg
Calcium 34 mg
Calories 61 Calories
Carbohydrate 14,66 g
Carotene-a 4 mcg
Carotene-ß 31 mcg
Choline 7,8 mg
Copper 0,1 mg
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Fluoride 0 mcg
Folate 25 mcg
Iron 0,31 mg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 171 mcg
Lycopene  mcg
Magnesium 17 mg
Manganese 0,098 mg
Niacine 0,341 mg
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) 862 µ mol TE
Pantothenic Acid 0,2 mg
Phosphorus 34 mg
Phytonutrients 209 mcg
Potassium 312 mg
Protein 1,1 g
Pyridoxine Vit. B6 0,1 mg
Riboflavin Vit. B2 0,025 mg
Selenium 0,2 mcg
Sodium 3 mg
Sugar 9 g
Thiamine 0,027 mg
Total Fat 0,5 g
Vitamin A 87 IU
Vitamin B6 0,1 mg
Vitamin C 92,7 mg
Vitamin E 1,5 mg
Vitamin K 40,3 mcg
Water 83,1 g
Zinc 0,14 mg

02 Dec

Health Benefits Of Kiwi Juice: Kiwi Juice To The Rescue!

Your mother always told you to eat your greens, but there is one green you might not have known she was talking about. The kiwi fruit is the new, healthful food your body has been craving. It’s out with the Acai berries and pomegranates and in with the kiwis! The kiwi fruit is chalked full of nutrients, including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, antioxidants, and fiber. Drinking your kiwi juice everyday is a great way to make sure you don’t miss out on the health benefits of kiwi juice that are a result of these important vitamins, minerals, and more.

Health benefits of kiwi juice

More Vitamin C Than Orange Juice

When people are looking for Vitamin C, they often reach for a tall glass of orange juice, but kiwi juice is actually a better option, as it has twice the amount of Vitamin C. So when it comes to health benefits of kiwi juice, Vitamin C is right there at the top of the reason why this juice is good for you. Vitamin C is famous for being an immune system pick-me-up, but along with fighting the common cold, Vitamin C can help protect our bodies from heavy metals, pollution, and assists in detoxifying our bodies from the inside out. Even with all that protection, Vitamin C still does more. Vitamin C helps our cells heal, provides support for good digestive bacteria, as well as helps our bodies absorb iron. So, if you happen to be fighting anemia or low on iron, be sure to drink your kiwi juice with your daily iron pills or iron-rich food (like raisins) so that your body doesn’t miss out on any of the iron you’re feeding it.

Magnesium and Potassium Are Also To “Blame” For The Health Benefits Of Kiwi Juice

Kiwis are also great sources of the minerals that your body just can’t get enough of, such as magnesium and potassium. Magnesium, although essential, is often left out of many of today’s diets. The element can help diminish the incidence of kidney stones, as well as protect against heart disease and high blood pressure. Getting enough magnesium can also help the body’s muscles relax efficiently.

An extra dose of potassium is another benefit of having your daily helping of kiwi juice. Potassium is crucial for the normal function of major body organs like the kidney and heart. Increase your intake of potassium and you can effectively decrease your chances of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders, and infertility. Who could possibly ask for anything more?

Health benefits of kiwi

Kiwi Juice Is Full Of Antioxidants And Fiber

Well, even if you aren’t asking for more, you are going to get it with the kiwi. Kiwi juice is a great way to slurp your way to more antioxidants and fiber in your daily diet. Antioxidants help repair damage to your cells as well as prevent more damage from occurring. Some of the damage that they interfere with is the damage from free radicals which can lead to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Fiber can lead the body to lower blood cholesterol and healthy digestion that helps with weight management.

No longer will you associate green and fuzzy to Oscar the Grouch but to your new go-to food, Kiwi the Healthful Fruit. Harvest all the health benefits of kiwi juice and gulp down your glass of this green juice and give your body the care it needs and deserves.